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It doesn't follow that just because the stock market dips that funding for startups will suddenly evaporate. Most venture funds are investing money that was raised from limited partners years ago.

And at any rate, most VCs go on vacation during August, so if you don't close your round by August 2, all bets are off...until September 1. This happens every year.

A good counterpoint to this sky-is-falling is Dave McClure's quote in the Wall Street Journal, in which he says that the market dip will change his investment velocity not a whit.


"And at any rate, most VCs go on vacation during August, so if you don't close your round by August 2, all bets are off...until September 1. This happens every year."

I am not sure why you feel there's a need to make an unrelated assumption when, if you actually read the well-written techcrunch article, there's a reason why Mark said that - it's related to funding certainty and economics.

"funding certainty" is a contradiction in terms

Stop nitpicking. Did you run out of things to do at your startup?

Educating people is what my startup does.

Then you should google "funding certainty" to see that it is widely used. Just because you don't relish using slightly oxymoronic phrase doesn't mean others don't

now who's nitpicking

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