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Launch HN: RescueTime (YC W08) – Redesigned for wellness, balance, remote work
207 points by bfioca on Sept 28, 2021 | hide | past | favorite | 141 comments
My name is Brian Fioca and I’m the founder of RescueTime (https://www.rescuetime.com). We help people who work on computers understand their time, be more focused, and feel less overwhelmed. Although we got started back in W08, we’ve entirely rewritten our product to focus on wellness and balance in this new age of working from home, and it’s this new version I want to tell you about today.

In 2008, we set out to answer the question, "where did my time go?" Those were the years of Web 2.0, and applications like Mint and Google Analytics were our inspiration. We spent years perfecting the ability to help people understand where their time goes, but people often told us to help them work smarter, not harder. Over the years, we switched to fully remote work ourselves, and found it's more important to build good habits and set healthy boundaries than to measure where your time goes—we’ve seen how that can be counterproductive when it leads to lack of balance. So although we started in the productivity/quantified-self space, we no longer think in terms of maximizing productivity.

When most people started working remotely or from home, and with the world unlikely to revert to exactly the way it was before, we decided to rewrite RescueTime to reflect this new thinking. Unlike our original version, the new RescueTime is designed to be used every day. Instead of weekly reports we give you daily forecasts, progress meters, nudges, and report cards. Our goal is to solve the pain that knowledge workers have about feeling overwhelmed, distracted, and unable to set healthy boundaries while working from their computers.

There's no one-size-fits-all way to achieve work/life balance. We have over a decade of experience analyzing millions of (anonymous and aggregated) users' work habits and the use patterns of applications and websites for work purposes. This has given us a vast and unique historical knowledge engine backed by statistics which we rely on to identify individual needs and give useful, personalized help. You fill out a survey that asks you questions like, “are you a manager or an individual contributor?” and, “how many hours are in your target work day?” and we match your answers against historical data to give you a personalized “Focus Goal”, taking into consideration meetings and your work week schedule. We then help you navigate each day, alerting you when you're distracted, helping you protect focused work time, and letting you know when you can stop working for the day.

Some of this is counterintuitive. For example, our decade’s worth of data has taught us quite consistently that the average knowledge worker spends 2-3 hours a day in focused work activities on their computer. Most people believe that the average is a lot higher, and therefore assume it should be a lot higher for them, leading to stressful feelings of inadequacy. Our data even shows if you spend too much time on focused work without sufficient recharge time, you will burn yourself out. We also know that it's normal for knowledge workers to spend 2 hours per work day on personal tasks or away from their computer. It's just as important to have space to be able to think creatively as it is to have focused time.

While building our new version, we decided that if our product really could do what we said it could do, we as a company should be able to switch to a 4-day (32 hour) work week. We even designed our personalization flow to support this. Using the new RescueTime, we've continued to be able to accomplish the same (or more) amount of work as we had when we were working 5 days a week!

Unlike simple Pomodoro timers, website blockers, or time trackers, we combine technologies into a holistic solution that, more like a fitness or mindfulness app, guides you into setting good habits and boundaries for every work day. Unlike other productivity tools, we understand the habits of all types of knowledge workers and can provide contextual advice about how to make the best use of your time, instead of just letting you know that you've spent more or less in different areas. We’re less "Get Things Done" and more "Get to do More of What You Love."

RescueTime is a small application that runs in your Menu Bar or Task Tray that keeps an eye on the applications and websites you're using throughout the day. It knows when you're in work mode, what you consider focused work, meetings, and personal activities, and gives you advice on how to make the most out of your day. When it recognizes you're in a good zone for focused work, it lets you shield yourself from distractions (like social media or news). When you've hit your goal of focused work, it lets you know that you can probably stop working for the day. It's even smart enough to know that if you have a lot of meetings in a given day, your chances of meeting your focused work goal are lessened, and that's ok.

RescueTime is best for people who feel overwhelmed with their workload but want to be more efficient, value their free time and want to have more of it, struggle with staying focused and avoiding distractions, or struggle with separating work time from personal time. It’s especially good for knowledge workers who want to work less in their free time, especially remote workers. If that sounds like you, we’d love for you to give it a try — we have a free 2 week trial.

Here’s a quick walkthrough video if you want to see it in action: https://vimeo.com/606883007 and we’d love to hear from you about your thoughts on productivity and wellness in this new world of new ways most of us find ourselves working.

I tried your product when it first came out in 2008. During that period of time I thought my problem was I just got too distracted. I'd spend so much time reading random articles on the internet i'd end up working more hours. It was an endless cycle, and I got depressed, and hated life. Inability to focus wasn't my problem, and no amount of an app to help me "focus" was going to work. The underlying issue was I was burnt out at my job. I kept avoiding work because I was done with that work. When I left that company, my focus, motivation, and wellness Started to improve. It wasn't instant, it took some time, but it improved. I ended up doing really well at the next company.

almost a decade later I found myself in a similar situation again, I just could not motivate myself to focus on work. Again changing jobs helped me improve.

Not really sure where I'm going with this, but I think your shift to a more wholistic view of a person with work being just one part is good.

You’re describing my own situation, exactly. The years when I wasn’t at RescueTime I ran into problems like this and part of the reason why I wanted to help redesign the app was because it just wasn’t helping me out with these problems. Thank you for sharing your story.

I really needed to see this today. Thank you for sharing your thoughts.

same with me.

Hi Brian, I’ve been a very happy paying customer for almost a decade; it’s one of those products that I believe is worth paying for, even if the free version already offers a lot. I just want to make sure this tool always stays in my life, and that the business behind it survives. :)

One concern of mine is Linux support; I completely understand the business trade-off you’re making here, and I feel like I must be one of the few paying Linux users. But what I’ve been seeing the past few years that Linux became less and less “supported”. What’s your position on this? And how do you see this develop in the next few years?

Wow, thank you so much! We don't have the linux build for this version finished just yet but we get a lot of requests for it, for sure. Honestly hoping to get that build soon - but you're right, we're a small team (13) and so we have to balance priorities. The good news is we recently hired someone who is passionate about linux and we're hoping that'll jumpstart the process and make supporting it easier with this new version.

Please please keep Linux support! I would pay more to not lose rescuetime on linux.

Also, the api you have is great and I use it a lot. Good job!

One thing I worry about is how my data is being stored, and what you are tracking.

Rescuetime is useful enough to me that I haven't left for this reason, but I have looked at open source competing products that I can run myself. Could you make me more comfortable about the security and confidentiality of my data somehow?

Thanks! And sure - you can see all of the data that we track by looking at the diagnostics window in the app: https://help.rescuetime.com/article/50-how-can-i-reset-my-re...

In short we track the name of the application you're using, and the window title OR the URL of the website you're on (if you're in a recognized browser). We query the OS to detect what's in focus and whether or not the computer has gone idle to track time spent on a particular thing. We also use crowdsourced data collected over the years to understand what categories applications and websites are (meeting tools, communication tools, design/coding/business tools, etc.)

All of our data is never used individually, only analyzed in aggregate in an anonymized way. We're compliant with GDPR rules.

Here's our privacy policy for more information: https://www.rescuetime.com/privacy

Seeing some of the understandable comments about performance tracking being misused (which has also put me off it), and your (RescueTime) responses acknowledging the issue, I wish you the best of luck in pivoting to/finding a healthy model; every positive move towards helping us find decent work-life balances is a good thing.

Thank you for saying so. It's really the motivation for having done this full rewrite.

I tried out RescueTime in the past (~2010-12 or so) but I was never comfortable sending my tracking data to a remote server. I since found Qbserve[0] which is a similar product, but it keeps all your data local. If I find myself distracted on any given day, then I turn on focus.app [1] to kill those distractions.

It's not as elegant of a solution as what RescueTime offers, but all my data stays on my machine which is worth the trade off to me.

[0]: https://qotoqot.com/qbserve/

[1]: https://heyfocus.com/

Requiring sending data to a remote server is definitely something we want to move away from. The good news is our engine is pretty advanced and we're looking at being able to bundle it for a local install. Notes like these help motivate us to prioritize that, so thanks.

Yeah, adding my voice. Rescue time (and apps like it) are far too invasive (by necessity) for me to be comfortable with that data being sent remotely. It amounts to the single most invasive spy tool you could possibly install, since it's literally tracking every single thing I do. It doesn't matter how much you pledge to not spy on me, if you have my data you can change your mind at the drop of a hat.

There is literally nothing you can do to earn my trust with that much data - the rest of tech has not just scorched that Earth, they've glassed it. The only thing you can do that would make me consider becoming a customer is cut off your own ability to spy on me - by ensuring my data stays local and you have no access to it.

Editing to add: I considered Rescue Time in the past, used Freedom for a time (until I realized they were sending off my data and what that meant), then used qbserve for a long time. Stopped while ago when I realized I'd stopped looking at it and had stopped feeling like I needed it.

It’s true that unfortunately over the years there have been enough bad actors where I can’t describe our commitment to privacy in a way that easily instills trust. We’ve definitely benefitted from many users’ trust over the years in that we’ve been able to build a product that’s smarter about the best way to work for most people. Really looking forward to packaging it in a way that will make you feel comfortable.

This is my #1 need. I was a paying customer, but eventually got uncomfortable with the remote data and cancelled my subscription.

Same here - I used RT early on, when I was younger and more naive, and stopped when it dawned on me what data is being sent out. I would gladly use a local-only version; I remember your application circa 2012 being excellent. I just am not comfortable with the privacy aspect.

Definitely planning on working on it. Thanks for chiming in to help us prioritize this.

Same story for me.

I used RescueTime for a long time, but it felt weird.

Also switched to QBserve after a while and it's been great.

RescueTime has more features, for sure (at least it did before), but these days, it is just too much extra data to willingly send to others.

Yeah, we've analyzed enough data over the years that I think for the most part we can finally move away from this. The trick is keeping up with new applications and websites and understanding how they fit into peoples' work habits but that's a solvable problem, I think.

Happy RescueTime paying customer here.

Is there a place that clearly states everything RescueTime is sending up? Maybe that would at least help people trust it more?

Of course, what an app says it’s sending, and what it actually does, might not always gel.

Cool! Thanks for being a happy customer! And sure - (copying from a different response below) you can see all of the data that we track by looking at the diagnostics window in the app: https://help.rescuetime.com/article/50-how-can-i-reset-my-re...

In short we track the name of the application you're using, and the window title OR the URL of the website you're on (if you're in a recognized browser). We query the OS to detect what's in focus and whether or not the computer has gone idle to track time spent on a particular thing. We also use crowdsourced data collected over the years to understand what categories applications and websites are (meeting tools, communication tools, design/coding/business tools, etc.) All of our data is never used individually, only analyzed in aggregate in an anonymized way. We're compliant with GDPR rules. Here's our privacy policy for more information: https://www.rescuetime.com/privacy

> Yeah, we've analyzed enough data over the years that I think for the most part we can finally move away from this.

I am curious. What were the analyses and what's your conclusion(s)?

Shameless plug, but maybe you can try Amna[0] which has local first time tracking (turn off your internet) and provides a focus bar that creates a cohesive deep work experience.

[0] https://getamna.com

I'll check it out. :)

For sure! As long as you don’t eat my baby :)

I love QBserve! It's been really useful for me (if somewhat terrifying to see the amount of time I spend on social media haha). And it's the only product I've found that is both completely functional (a lot of OSS in this space is missing major functionality) and that I trust to not be sending my highly detailed, highly-personal data to... some random server.

I find that altering my hosts file manually and using the new focus feature on MacOS Monterey fits perfectly for my workflow.

I don’t have installed apps that distract me. It’s simply websites (Reddit being the worst in my case) and notifications.

I’m also using a separate user account for dev work and everyone at work knows I check slack and my emails twice a day and they can call me at any time. I’ve found it cuts down on distractions because it’s easy for people to ping me with small things but they feel a significant reason is needed for calls.

Focus on iOS has all notifications muted in my work profile but allows calls from my co-workers and partner.

Those are great ideas. I love the new Focus features in Monterey, too. One thing that MacOS can’t do is tell you when to stop working for the day once you’ve gotten enough focus work done. That feature is the one I use the most in this new version and I rely on it every day.

I stopped using this a number of years ago when I became more privacy-conscious and now use ActivityWatch which doesn't have an online connection.

If RescueTime could be run completely offline or could be self-hosted I'd consider it again.

Totally understand. The online component makes it challenging for a lot of folks. Fortunately this new version requires less in the way of constant online support, and we're definitely considering developing an offline-only version of this new app in the future.

I remember trying the tool a long time ago, I'd be willing to give it another shot but what exactly is being sent to the servers?

Application name, window title, website URL (if in a browser), and time spent in activity. All anonymized when analyzed in aggregate.

So great to see RescueTime launching! It was one of the first YC companies that excited me and inspired us to try and get into YC ourselves, which we did in '09. Tony has been a good source of encouragement and tough love over the years. I'm also considering a relaunch of my YC startup over a decade on. Will be very interested to see how yours goes. Congrats and good luck!

Thanks so much! Super great feeling to think of us as an inspiration. Tony had a LOT to do with this new version - he came back for a little over a year to product manage it himself.

I joined a company where the owner had everyone's machine RescueTime'd. I improved their dev throughput 100x in 2 months (quite literally) and he still pulled up RescueTime dashboards to berate people on how they spent their time. The RescueTime reports counted for more than our delivery reports (which he wouldn't understand, not "couldn't").

Never again.

Wow, I'm really sorry to hear that. We absolutely don't support that use case, and especially with this version, it's pretty hard to measure with that kind of exactness in a way that could be used for that kind of abuse. Honestly - this kind of thing really motivated us to make these changes with this new version. It's pretty clear to us that productivity has less to do with time in seats and more to do with balance.

In a previous life (2013?) this software got forced on me and the team/company I worked on as "boss-ware".

Unsure if the founders were aware of this or just "well shit happens", but it defo means I can't see this product without also seeing the uncomfortableness of working with a "all eyeing eye" on your system tray

I have no idea if the product is still somewhat geared for micromanaging/boss spying but it left a really bad taste for the whole product segment for me.

I would like to also specifically respond and clarify: we killed the "team" version of product that allowed for such abuse 5 years ago. We hated that use case and were no longer interested in having it be possible to have an abuse case of the product. Since that time, we have evolved a single user model, and the organization tools were for consolidated billing purposes, not shared data. This latest version further moves away from being a measuring tool and more toward a coach. Thank you for your post.

We're totally aware of this and although we've tried our best in the past to avoid this scenario with the privacy of individuals in mind, it was unfortunate that bosses made their employees do this. This version is much harder to abuse that way, the reports are designed to be less exact and more of a guide to help the individual achieve balance, not to generate reports to be used to track productivity.

This feels a bit like those “FOR TOBACCO USE ONLY” signs at headshops who sell bongs.

It sounds to me like a genuine response regarding a useful tool that can be abused.

Fair. Apologies, that wasn't my intention. We're going to do better with this version to prevent that kind of abuse. It's a complete 180 from the analytics tool that enabled that in the past. I'd go as far as to say that we'd disable any account where we heard this was happening. We're committed to preventing this kind of thing from happening in the future. None of us want to contribute to the kind of world where workers are treated that way.

I appreciate what you are saying and how you are saying it. Thank you for that.

In an industry with plenty of founders who have said one thing and then repeatedly done another I don't think it's being jaded to be cautiously pessimistic. If the market for RescueTime ends up being primarily spy tech, then it's naive to think that's not the direction it will go.

Tech is also an industry that has let its naivety blind it to some rather obvious perverse use cases.

You may prove this all wrong becoming a legendary founder who holds the line into perpetuity against selling your SaaS as spy tech even if that's what the market wants. That would be an amazing story to watch unfold.

Totally true (and unfortunate) that so many founders go down that path. If it helps, we've never really seen a strong pull revenue-wise to go down that direction. We strongly prefer to make beautiful premium software that helps people. That kind of corporate spyware would likely need an enterprise product/sales team, and is generally a kind of race-to-the-bottom of price and (honestly boring to build) commodity features. As founders, there are plenty of more interesting spaces for us to work in instead of that and none of us are motivated to work in that direction.

Given the larger context, to me it sounds like a genuine response from one of the relatively rare efforts at tackling this huge problem. I have used RescueTime personally (not mandated) in the past and found it useful.

Looks interesting. I just went through the onboarding as a current customer. It looks like we lost some features. I used rescue time to log offline activities as well - I can't seem to find that. Other features I liked were logging accomplishments for the day and being able to break down by app how my time was spent over the month/year. Are there any other features that we've lost in this upgrade?

Great note. We're releasing a reworked version of offline time entry next month. Our stand on bringing classic features to this new version involves evaluating how they might work in this new balance-centered mindset. Reports on time spent by app are likely coming back in some form, but we're reworking everything so it's less about hours tracking and more about whether you got your work done. Hopefully that helps explain the reasoning for the differences a bit more.

So not to push back against the ethos of being balanced - but having access to minute by minute details of apps/websites - is kind of important to answering the question "Where the hell did my time go!??" I know a lot of people that signed up for rescue time use it as a Quantified Self kinda tool (For example Beeminder, IFTTT, Zapier, and Exist.io use it in this manner). I'm afraid that this change might exclude those that want that minute by minute accounting. (I do use this for Beeminder integration currently - so I hope that didn't break!). Anyhow, I'm willing to give the new design a shot - I think the design looks beautiful and the features look great.

You're totally right - we think it might exclude some of those people, too. We're tracking user feedback, though, and keeping an eye on it. But we just want to make sure we don't promote unhealthy habits with too much detail.

I've dug a bit into the new version. It's entirely different product. There's no baby stepping this change for your legacy users. I'm very happy that legacy dashboard is accessible otherwise I'd have a real problem with the new design. To make the old version and the new version more "compatible" you could change the nomenclature on the old version from "unproductive time" to "personal time" - and it would make more sense if you are switching back and forth between the new/old dashboards. Also, for integrating calendars, only gmail and outlook are available - I'd love to have ical links monitored. I aggregate different calendars on iCal.

Thanks for this. Yeah, it’s definitely entirely different. The transition is going to be tricky at first for folks used to the old version but so far it seems to be making sense to new people. Thanks for those notes. iCal is something we can technically support but it doesn’t post changes to webhooks so you’d have to manually sync every time. :/

The new RescueTime looks great!

I used to use RescueTime many years ago, until I got uncomfortable with storing all my data on their servers, and unsatisfied with the closed source nature of it all (limiting my ability to fix issues and add features I wanted).

I started building an open source replacement in 2016, was joined by a few friends, and it has gotten pretty good (people really like it!): https://github.com/ActivityWatch/activitywatch

This is great, thanks for posting an alternative

I tried to find your pricing models but it seems the entire site doesn't offer them to me. Do I have to create an account ("try for free") to see your pricing?

Sorry about that - pricing is $12/month or $78 if paid annually. We're going to add it back to the site - it was on the old version of the account create page before we added the new survey (oops).

I just logged back into your app (2615 days since you last saw me) haha!

I used to love this app, I used it a lot when I was studying and most recently I just needed a new app to help me focus. Working from home has led to me working more, but procrastinating more. I'm much less effective in the afternoons now and especially with Crypto I keep getting distracted. This update has come at the perfect time for me! I'll get back into it again and hopefully get my data back.

Wow that's great! Thanks for coming back and giving us another go! If you want to migrate your old account, you can do it from here: http://www.rescuetime.com/new_rescuetime

The founders' response here regarding abuse seems to be heartfelt and genuine.

However, this does make me think. There must be a lot of money in 'bossware.' More broadly, there's market opportunity to appeal to poor managers' basest instincts: measuring people in precise (albeit irrelevant) ways, micromanagement, aiding interruptions, etc.

It's icky, and most here wouldn't want to work on it. But people somewhere are. What else fits into that category?

I think the term of art these days is "tattleware"—there have been a flurry of stories in the media lately about the growth of the market during the pandemic.

While I can see how its possible to abuse RescueTime in this way, as a happy customer for several years now, its been a lifesaver for me in several ways. It helps keep me from falling down rabbit holes thanks to my ADHD, which is probably the biggest reason I started using it. It also made it much, much easier to bill my hours when I was working as a consultant.

I know the skepticism factor is high here on HN, but having been a customer of theirs for years, I can say that the RescueTime team is one of the good actors in this space.

Brian, looking forward to seeing the new work once its released!

"tattleware" is the exact opposite direction that we want to go, and this new release is part of us putting our flag down against it. Thank you so much for saying this.

Thanks for the nice note. In the old days we used to get a lot of requests from bosses who wanted to see screenshots of people's computers. We vowed we'd go out of business before building anything like that, and I'm sure we'd lose most of our talent if we asked them to build a product like that. Not to say that someone wouldn't build it, but I don't think it'd be easy to find anyone of quality to help you out.

Surely, there is a ton of money in providing reports to some micromanager boss. If a business fills that niche, is it irresponsible on the business or is it just them finding a market fit?

I’m not entirely certain that’s true. Companies that are that restrictive are really judicious about costs and how much they’re willing to pay.

Upwork does this.

Add a content rating to the video so that people don't have to sign into Vimeo (and get hard-pitched with a subscription that is difficult to get out of) in order to watch it

Oh thanks! Will do that now.

Aaah RescueTime! I didn't know you guys were a YC company. I used RescueTime quite a lot in the past and I think at some point I paid for it. I have completely forgotten about it! Pretty awesome application, and I love that it also works in Linux.

Thanks so much for the support! Yeah YC was a long time ago for us, but we're really happy to be in the family. They've been amazingly supportive over the years.

A bit off topic but I can't resist as it's in the title. What's it like running a startup that's active since 2008? Thirteen years is an incredibly long time and I'd imagine most operations would either thrive, die, or reach some kind of lifestyle business steady state by then. How do you find the focus to stay on the same problem space over such a long period of time?

That's a great question. I think it would be better answered by Mark, who is our current CEO - he's been around the longest! Myself and my cofounder left for a few years and came back. I could talk for hours about what that was like, and less about what it was like to be here the entire time. I will say that we achieved profitability very quickly and have had the luxury of sustainability to give us the ability to entirely reimagine our product and relaunch. That's been the motivating factor for me since I've been back: getting to take another stab at solving a problem everyone has with all of the knowledge and data we've accrued over the years. This team is the best I've ever worked with and I'm really proud of what they've been able to do over the years.

My experience is, yes you have your ups and downs and you go through a lot (births and deaths even), but it is a product engine family we have built with heart, and we found the wherewithal, with an extra boost from Tony (thank you!) to basically start from scratch and re-imagine what we would want-- so in some ways it was like starting a new company, with people you trust.

Is there no way to see pricing? I'm interested in trying it, but I'm not gonna sign up for a free trial if you can't even tell me how much the real thing costs.

We have 2 plans: $12/month or $78 if paid annually. (edited)

Thanks, that seems reasonable. I'd strongly recommend adding this to the website, otherwise you're gonna lose a lot of people who assume "if you have to ask, you can't afford it".

Edit: I'm actually seeing $78/year now that I've gone through the signup flow. And since you show the prices before the user finishes signing up, there's really no reason not to have this somewhere on your front page.

Yeah I typoed it in my hurry to respond, fixed. And totally a good idea. It used to be front and center on the signup page and then we entirely reworked our signup flow to have the personalization survey first.

Just went through sign-up flow. Heard of the product for years + interested in it.

One note - I have a bit of an idiosyncratic schedule. I work 9-6:30 and then stop for the evening (dinner with family, put kid to bed) and resume work ~9pm typically. I'd love the ability to block off that time slot (6:30-9) but keep space for working before and after.

Beyond with, excited to try it out.

We definitely support that! You can set any number of flexible work zones during your day, and it'll even send you an alert if you work too long in a zone you said you wanted for recharge time. :)

Oh I see. You allow this in-app.

Your signup flow, though, has a start time + end time and doesn't make it clear you can add these windows in. It made me pause during sign-up and I wonder if it would cause other folks to drop off. Maybe could be solved with copy somewhere even?

Similarly, as far as I can tell the signup flow does not let me add half hour increments (e.g 8:30am - 6:30pm). I also can't figure out how to add that even in-app.

Great note about the signup flow not messaging that. We’ll correct that for sure. In terms of 30 minute increments, that’s not currently supported due to super annoying technical reasons around the way we’ve structured our database. Something else we’re working on.

Is there a way to define different zones/types of work? I work 10-6, but study 8-10 and 8-10pm.

It might be possible to work that way, none of us have tried it explicitly yet though. That's a great feature suggestion, I'm adding it to the roadmap.

I'm a long time paid RescueTime user. This new version looks really good, but at the same time there are a few features that I use quite often, and I hope these aren't going away:

- I have setup several custom categories over the years, for apps and websites that I use and I track them using do-more/do-less goals with beeminder. I'd like to continue being able to track times for specific activities.

- I like that I can use it on Linux/Mac/iPad/Android and it tracks across all platforms. I love that it works so well on Linux, and I also wish you could track activities on iOS/iPadOS.

- I use a home-grown pomodoro setup and I use the api and ifttt/integromat integrations to trigger focustime sessions. I also like observing the realtime productivity pulse numbers to motivate myself, and I hope that's not going away!

Thanks for your comment - really glad to have you over the years!

I will say that lots of what you’re describing doesn’t exist in a form you’re used to in the new version, so you might not want to switch just yet. The good news is it’s a manual process to upgrade, so if you don’t want to switch you don’t have to do anything and things will stay the same for you.

> our decade’s worth of data has taught us quite consistently that the average knowledge worker spends 2-3 hours a day in focused work activities on their computer

Seems like there is a massive selection bias in the sample though. People seeking out this tool are likely to be people who struggle to focus.

Potentially, although not necessarily. There are many many years of quantified-selfers signing up to track all of their data.

I do not see a pricing link on the homepage (on mobile). Frankly speaking, I wouldn’t venture to check out anything further if pricing is hidden behind a trial or in some support pages. I’d suggest fixing that so that visitors can productively use your site.

Sorry - it wasn't our intention to obfuscate it. Pricing is $12/month or $78 if paid annually. Making a note to add it to the front page (it was on the old signup page before the relaunch).

I actively use RescueTime but my Mac app and dashboard do not look anything like what I see in the linked Vimeo. Are these features generally available yet? How do I get on the latest if the Mac app says I'm already up to date?

We've decided to launch this version to new users since it's so much different than the old version. We definitely support upgrading, though, just know it's quite different. If you want to migrate, you can go here: http://www.rescuetime.com/new_rescuetime

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No pricing page link on the header or the footer? I scrolled the landing page 3 times but seemed to have missed it each time. I’m curious to check it out, but I can’t sign up to something without knowing the pricing.

Also, this is just my opinion, but that logo is super tacky! Is that intentional? If so, it’s kind of endearing. If not, I’d like to make you a new one :P

Best of luck! If your privacy situation is at good as some of the claims, you’re making the world a better place with tools like these.

Hey, I've been using RescueTime for the past 1,5 years and I wanted to thank you - it's really helpful :) It helped me improve my productivity by allowing me to pinpoint my biggest distraction factors.

As for feedback - I could definitely make use of the premium features, but I personally found the price too steep (being a freshman from Poland). Have you considered offering a student discount or perhaps even including it in the Github Student Developer Pack? Cheers!

I have been a premium member for a while and it has helped me so so much. Thank you! However I don't see the new guide feature. Is it yet to launch?

Thanks! We decided we’d give existing users the choice to upgrade because it’s quite different. If you want to migrate your account, you can do it from here: https://www.rescuetime.com/new_rescuetime

For either the Windows or mac desktop apps, are they built with native APIs or are they electron/webviews? Now that I run a stupid amount of electron-based apps, for better or worse, my systems are starting to choke. This goes especially for my Windows machine with only 8gb of ram, I can almost literally not multitask.

It’s a webview that runs a super small HTML page with vanilla Javascript. (No electron!) We looked and it’s not noticeably larger of a runtime footprint as the old version.

I've been a paid user for years. It's nice to finally see some redesign. Please, stop neglecting the app on Windows and Linux - it looks pretty ugly. Also, please do a better GitHub integration not requiring a git hook.

I just checked for updates and my app did not show any. When can we expect this to be released?

Thanks for sticking with us! We've just hired someone to help with our Windows app who loves linux, so look for improvements to both of those in the future. Right now we're very focused on new features for our new version. Which you won't be able to try unless you migrate your account. You can do that from here http://www.rescuetime.com/new_rescuetime (but please note that it's quite a bit different - although you can see your old dashboard after you migrate by going to /dashboard)

Thanks! I figured it out already, but do you have any plans to offer family plans? I wanted to get subscriptions for my son and daughter, but it gets a bit pricey!

Oh wow that’s a super good idea.

Hey Brian! I've been using Rescue Time for the last 3 years, since I started college and I love seeing where exactly my time is going. I never knew you were part of one of the earliest YC batches so that got me really excited. Congrats on the redesign, I'm looking forward to checking it out!

Thanks so much! I hope you like this new version. Much more about building good habits and less about having something telling you over and over how much time you’re spending on Hacker News. :D

I've used RT on and off for about a dozen years and learned a lot about myself. Great service. And trustworthy, in my opinion. Besides the quality of their data and app, the Zapier integrations were the biggest benefits of the cloud approach for me.

Looking forward to seeing what the offline-stored model can do.

Thanks so much! So happy to hear.

This looks like something I might use on my own but if it was forced on me at work I'd find another job...

Thanks for the reply - I feel the same way. I'd go as far as to say that if someone forced it on you we'd want to know so we could disable the account. That's not something we want to support at all. This is designed to help individuals set boundaries for their work, especially in a work from home scenario where it would be too easy to work well past the end of an optimal work day.

This is what I did a couple of jobs ago. I was a technology leader in a startup, and installed in myself to track Where TH did my time go. After some months I got some nice charts and interesting insights. I showed those to the people in my team and told them that if anyone wanted a license I would pay for it, but it would be for their own personal use (nobody would have access to their data). A couple of people approached me to get licenses.

This is kind of similar to the GitPrime/WayDev and similar software: The insight is actually quite good, but the moment "The Boss" uses it, it becomes a control mechanism. The best way to take advantage of it is if it is provided as something completely personal.

I agree. I decided my chrome extension (Productivity Owl) should only store data locally because I didn't like the idea of managers abusing it. The owl is enough of an asshole to simulate a real boss for me.

Went through the onboarding and signed up for a trial with payment details. But the Download buttons don't work. I'm surprised that small bugs haven't been worked out before launching a product where you pay $12 a month!

Yikes, that's not good, sorry. I wonder if there's something specific with your setup, we haven't had any problems like that from other users today. If you could email help@rescuetime.com I'd love to help figure out what happened.

Is this going to affect the API?

I’ve been using RescueTime extensively with Chronomize [0] and I’m getting near a public release of the integration.


Oh cool! Don't worry - we don't have any plans to change the API right now (other than potentially adding to it in the future).

Hello, I tried your product, and I'm still using it to keep track of my productive time. The emails can help me whenever I lose track of how many productive hours I have clocked in every week.

Rescuetime changed my life -- I once hired someone to slap me in the face whenever I was unproductive on rescuetime -- and I ended up being all over the news because of it! https://blog.rescuetime.com/how-i-saved-4-hours-per-day-usin...

Because of the experience, I built a wearable device company to make sure I stay productive -- we even integrate with rescuetime! (i'm getting vibrations right now whenever I'm in flow/90%+ productive).

Thanks for building such awesome tech, and let me know if you'd like to work on an integration together!

-Maneesh Sethi from pavlok

Can I use it on linux? Can it track which apps I use on my phone?

We don't have the linux build for this version finished just yet - but the good news is we just hired someone who is pretty passionate about linux, so there's good reason to think it'll be prioritized. As for app tracking, we're also rebuilding our mobile apps with this new version in mind. Unfortunately Apple prevents us from doing any app tracking on the iPhone but the android version allows for some of that.

Thanks for letting me know (:

BTW: I would love a “How it works” section on your page. I would feel more safe signing up if I knew what would be installed and why.

Ah, great point. Adding that to our design pipeline.

Can you please add region specific pricing? As a user from India, price is the only thing that holds me back from subscribing to RescueTime.

This is striking: "The average knowledge worker spends 2-3 hours a day in focused work activities on their computer"

It's true and it often depends on things like company size (2 hours or less for large companies, 3-4 hours for small startups) and role (managers are lucky to hit 2 and ICs can usually get to 3 when they're not in meetings all day).

Congratulations. I’m excited to dig into this.

Thanks so much!

Are signups broken?

I had an account way back when and cannot login or reset my password. Furthermore the OAuth flows I tried result in 404.

Hm - there might be something wrong with your old account. Checking into it, but things should be working. Can you email help@rescuetime.com and we'll see if we can sort out what's up? Sorry about that!

I hate when companies hide pricing

Sorry about that - pricing is $12/month or $78 if paid annually. We're going to add it back to the site - it was on the old version of the account create page before we added the new survey and we legit didn't think about it.

Are there any plans to allow blocking specific applications?

Actually yes! We are working on iterating on Focus Sessions and blocking (especially communications apps) right now.

Sweet, great to hear! On a similar note, did the new RT lose integrations? I can't seem to find that page.

They’re still there, we just haven’t finished redesigning that page for the new version. For now, you can go here: https://www.rescuetime.com/anapi/setup/overview

Would love to know what your tech stack looks like?

We're all over the place having started building in 2007. Mostly rails (latest version though!) on mysql, with lots of good old jQuery thrown in. ;) The client stack is cross-platform C++ with platform specific UI on top, including some Swift!

ive been using it since the beginning, daily. grats on the redesign launch! looking forward to using it for another decade

That's so awesome, you rock! I love to think that we've been around helping people for so long.

Is Linux supported by new version?

Not just yet - but we're working on a new build that supports the new version.

love this app and especially the api integrations

Thanks for saying so! So great to hear.

Is iPad supported?

Not yet - iOS is really locked down. We’re hoping to get something working at some point. Really need better access to Screen Time APIs though.

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