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Do you have any evidence that would suggest that?

I found this post from last night insightful: http://pennyred.blogspot.com/2011/08/panic-on-streets-of-lon...

Yes, I read that earlier. What did you find insightful in it? The people involved aren't commenting on government policy. They're looting. I think some on the left are desperately trying to spin this as some sort of popular uprising but it's nothing of the sort.

Exactly, it's not (directly) political. These are poor people without jobs and opportunities, and gangsters and criminals. These guys sure aren't protesting any issues.

Therefore I'd agree with mortenjorck, the majority of the rioters probably don't have credit cards and probably aren't the kind of people who order stuff from amazon.

There are plenty of poor people in London, the vast majority of whom aren't looting shops. While I'd agree that the looters aren't likely ordering much from Amazon, I see no reason to think they lack homes or are 'on the farthest margins of society'.


If they are poor, without jobs and opportunities, I think they are, one way or another, protesting. We made the exact same mistake in France in 2005. If you prefer, these events are the manifestation of their condition which could be qualified of passive or unconscious protestation.

Yep, I agree, that's why I said it's not directly political.

There are political issues at hand, even if the rioters themselves aren't aware of them.

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