No, it's not pointless. Jitsi's terms allow them to get calldata and other metadata, Brave's do not. Equating all "free" legs or free-only services is a good way to get pwned. Good luck!
Hi blitzar, I'd like to clarify a few points here. First, is a free development/experimental version of the Jitsi software that powers the paid 8x8 Meet product. From our discussions with the 8x8 team this is where they pilot new and potentially unstable features over weeks or months before they deploy it on their paid infrastructure. Per the privacy policy here, they mention: "To provide the service, 8×8 processes network and usage information.." That data is of course used to improve the service before deploying to the more stable versions.
Brave Talk, both free and premium, is powered by the stable/production 8x8 infrastructure, that has been vetted, usually for weeks before. Brave intends to run this as a fully reliable service that our users can count on.