There are certainly cases where from a legal perspective the company is no longer permitted to operate. Arthur Anderson following the Enron fraud is a good example.
Not in the realm of possibility here, for many reasons. Even if it were, the number of employees issue- 50,000- would be quite minor in the list of considerations. Amazon would just hire them all outright.
Right now lots of parties are pulling on threads, seeing what unwinds. The most significant possible outcome I see is Zuck being forced to divest- the only change which could impact governance- and relatedly several senior execs and Board members being faced with criminal charges.
Another potential significant outcome is a mandated break up, similar to AT&T, though exactly on what lines and terms is extremely challenging to conceive.
Not in the realm of possibility here, for many reasons. Even if it were, the number of employees issue- 50,000- would be quite minor in the list of considerations. Amazon would just hire them all outright.
Right now lots of parties are pulling on threads, seeing what unwinds. The most significant possible outcome I see is Zuck being forced to divest- the only change which could impact governance- and relatedly several senior execs and Board members being faced with criminal charges.
Another potential significant outcome is a mandated break up, similar to AT&T, though exactly on what lines and terms is extremely challenging to conceive.
I put the chances on either as pretty low.