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> As to how this suit wasn't noticed, Delaware Chancery charges a fortune per document limiting public awareness.

Isn't this the document here:


Thanks! So this is about retirement funds going after some board and execs for breach of fiduciary duties given the earlier FTC findings.

seeking to remedy the Individual Defendants’ breaches of fiduciary duties and/or Brophy insider trading violations from June 26, 2013 through July 23, 2019, the date before the FTC announced the $5 billion fines on Facebook the following morning (the “Relevant Period”).

Yes. Someone paid a fortune for that document.

Delaware is infamous for protecting their corporations.

What Deleware lets it's 501c3 get away with should be illegial.

There's a reason so many businesss use Deleware as their address.

I'm suprised Biden didn't get more flack over Delaware's history of protecting some raunchy companies.

> What Deleware lets it's 501c3 get away with should be illegial.

Like what?

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