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Working remotely has been the highlight of the pandemic - it was the perk I never knew I wanted until I had it. I’m hoping it doesn’t get pulled back now that the “great experiment” has proven that it works. The main thing irking me now is the few companies trying to tie wages to location as if my skill set is somehow less valuable because I live on the north side of the street rather then the south. Unfortunately they are major employers - supposedly progressive companies like Google and Facebook - so there is a real danger that could catch on if they are successful. Obscuring your location from your employer could be a thing. Slack tattletales your timezone, so you would need to make sure your computer’s clock is set to the right timezone. You might need a vpn running so things like smtp doesn’t record ip addresses that will betray your physical location, etc.

> Obscuring your location from your employer could be a thing

This seems fairly unlikely... Your employer needs to do some really basic things that require knowing where you live, like withold your state taxes, ensure they are abiding by state employment laws at the very least.

There has been location arbitration in IT for decades in the form offshoring and near-shoring. There is no reason for that to not be a thing within the US. Many companies will value (whether it is really valuable or not) people who come into the office on a regular basis. Should those people not be paid for their willingness to be there in person?

Lying to your employer to get more money is a bad idea. Your suggestions could be fraud.

It's always fraud when the little guy gets one over on the big guy, but strangely never the other way around, in practice

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