That's not currying, that's partial application (except bad because it forces the evaluation of the function if all parameters are filled, which is often undesirable as javascript is an eagerly evaluated language with side-effects).
The implementation in the article is technically partial application. I was just reproducing it. But you are correct. Currying is a subset of partial application. You can do currying through partial application. The function is eventually called when the correct number of parameters has finally been supplied. Currying lets you call a function, splitting it in multiple calls, providing one argument per-call. Partial Application lets you call a function, splitting it in multiple calls, providing multiple arguments per-call.
The only difference is that currying would ignore any additional parameters in a flexible language like JS.
It's easy to make this implementation only consider the first parameter. See below.
I still don't understand your point about eager execution. The function is supposed to be executed when enough parameters have been passed. I suppose you mean that JS does not check if the call arguments length equals the function signature, so strict currying is safer to avoid errors? If so, that makes sense. I tend to consider that caveat of JS a feature though, which is why partial application is what I'd use to accomplish currying. It subsumes it and provides more flexibility by allowing multiple arguments to be curried in a single call.
> I still don't understand your point about eager execution. The function is supposed to be executed when enough parameters have been passed.
Which makes perfect sense for languages which are mostly side-effect free and in which functions with no parameters do not make sense.
That's not the case of Javascript, partially applying all the parameters but not wanting to actually run the function is a useful thing to desire, and not doing that makes partial application incoherent, especially as e.g. default parameters get involved.
That is why currying is a bad fit for imperative languages, but partial application is a useful tool still.
You're not making any sense to me. Neither currying nor partial application delay running of the function once all parameters have been passed. There is no eager execution happening in the implementation I provided. I believe you misunderstand when the original function is supposed to be executed.
sum = curry((a,b,c) => a+b+c)
sum(1)(2)(3) equals 6 under currying.
sum(1,2)(3) equals 6 under partial application.
Perhaps you are thinking of calling the function with no arguments as a signal to execute the final calculation. That is NOT how currying normally works.
I believe you think currying works like this:
sum(1)(2)(3)() = 6
This is NOT standard currying. There is never a need to give an empty call to signal execution in standard currying as CS and Mathematics define it.
The implementation I provided is defacto currying by the book. Perhaps you can provide an example if we are misunderstanding eachother.
> Neither currying nor partial application delay running of the function once all parameters have been passed.
Currying does not, partial application can (and should).
> sum = curry((a,b,c) => a+b+c)
> sum(1)(2)(3) equals 6 under currying.
> sum(1,2)(3) equals 6 under partial application.
Sure. Now what happens to `sum(1, 2, 3)`? Or if the function is `(a, b, c=1) => a + b + c`?
> Perhaps you are thinking of calling the function with no arguments as a signal to execute the final calculation. That is NOT how currying normally works.
Which is the point. It's not how currying works. It is, however, how a "regular" version of partial application works e.g. Javascript's Function#bind or Python's `functools.partial`.
> I believe you are confused.
> I believe you think currying works like this:
> The implementation I provided is defacto currying by the book.
"Currying by the book" does is defined for strict arities and can not generate variable-arity functions.
Thank you for helping me understand the issue with default parameter values in a variadic language like JS, which probably makes a nonstandard currying with an execution signal more applicable.
I've created a curry which will only execute when called with no arguments, ie. sum(1)(2)(3)() = 6
This is like you mentioned, a much better suited technique of currying for a language like JS:
We can also apply the same idea of an empty call as a signal to the multi-argument currying variation.
I'd love to know what you think. And please keep reading. Because I apologize and stand corrected. Apparently partial application is single use, unlike currying. Essentially a fixed point. I have learned something today. I apologize for being so hard headed. Thank you for putting up with me and correcting me. The wikipedia article on currying confused me with regard to partial application but then I read the partial application wiki article and what you are saying clicked.
It seems like there are 3 techniques here.
Multi argument currying.
Single argument currying.
And partial application (aka binding)
And too many references called the former the latter, hence my confusion.
It's really no worries. At the end of the day, the issue is really that mathematical / functional / "traditional" currying is not really suited to imperative languages, which is most of them, and notions of "advanced" currying are — I think — throwing good money after bad.
Partial application is very useful (and you're correct that it's "one shot", though you can obviously layer partial applications by partially applying the result), so can the odd curried version of a library function (ideally provided by the library) be, but general-purpose currying… not so much I would say: the languages don't care for it (unlike curried language), it interacts badly with complicated parameterisation (varargs, default, keyword, …), and the almost entirely of the use cases is covered by straight partial application. What little is left can simply be curried by hand.