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I'm a little late to this party, but:

Short answer: technology destroys jobs for dumb people and creates jobs for smart people. Until now this has been okay, because there have still been enough dumb jobs for all the dumb people. But as technology continues to progress, we (without genetic engineering or eugenics) run into the point where we have more dumb people than useful things for them to do. There are no jobs doing manual labour, and the dumber members of society aren't smart enough to perform the new jobs of maintaining the robots which do the manual labour for us. What, then, is the use of these people, and what do we do with them?

> Short answer: technology destroys jobs for dumb people and creates jobs for smart people.

It sounds like you're only considering high-tech jobs, like computer programmers or engineers. Those aren't all the jobs that technology creates, not by a long shot. Think about pizza deliverers, call center workers, fast food workers, etc.

Put aside service jobs like pizza delivery or baristas and think about manufacturing jobs or “dirty” jobs. Regarding manufacturing jobs I tend to think that technology didn’t replace those kind of jobs instead we opted to buy goods made in other countries. I can't find any current examples but the article below states that in 2007 the USA exported $4.6 billion in raw cotton and imported $52.4 billion in processed cotton goods. That’s a lot of money leaving our economy. We really need to start manufacturing again and as a nation get in to the mindset that it’s better to save and buy quality than to buy quantity. http://www.suite101.com/content/us-cotton-trade-statistics-a...

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