1) That is a good question. I would like to think I would because I would want to prove to those who stereotype that I am not an exception but like any of those difficult scenarios I will not presume my ideals would hold.
2) The only other pseudonym I've ever used is my gamer handle of Warmain. I would say that whenever I made a friend on a video game and we got close enough that we thought to exchange real names it forged a closer bond because it seemed to humanize you a bit more. But then again in video games there are names like xxxDragonSlayerzz. I think the pseudonyms people are complaining about using are not so dehumanizing.
2) Do you have any documented cases where using your real name had any advantage over using "reidmain"?
3) Social networks are not really a choice, trend-setters usually herd everyone else.
4) What's your name?