If I go to --help or the man page for your command, and don't see a real example of how to use it immediately, you've failed me as a user.
Seeing your syntax tree and a list of every option and its description doesn't help me when I'm first trying to use your program. I just want to see one or two quick examples of real commands with a short sentence explaining each. After that I'll dive into the mess that is the dozens of flags and inputs to decipher exactly what I want.
It always struck me as odd that man pages tend to have the EXAMPLES section as the last section of the document.
I really would like it the other way around but this kinda fits with a bottom-up approach to learning. Look at the small details then get the full picture and how it's supposed to be used.
If I go to --help or the man page for your command, and don't see a real example of how to use it immediately, you've failed me as a user.
Seeing your syntax tree and a list of every option and its description doesn't help me when I'm first trying to use your program. I just want to see one or two quick examples of real commands with a short sentence explaining each. After that I'll dive into the mess that is the dozens of flags and inputs to decipher exactly what I want.