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I'm not sure why the hate against MSDN - at least for .NET, I found the documentation to be one of the best in the business -even a decade ago. I'd only put Go's docs ahead in terms of helpfulness. I cut my teeth writing .NET code, then switched to Java writing apps on Android - the step down in doc quality was quite significant.

MSDN isn't terrible, but for answers.microsoft.com 90% of questions are some outsourced foreign support rep telling the user to run sfc /scannow and not looking into the issue any further. Which makes it a huge pain for sysadmin type stuff, their developer documentation is much better.

answers.microsoft.com accepted answers are mostly accepted by the poor foreign support rep after OP have left disappointed. It is somewhat similar in quality to yahoo answers. Microsoft should be ashamed this pile of useless bits is public.

Let me make sure I understand the problem you're having trouble getting answers from answers.microsoft.com, is that correct? Please open the site answers.microsoft.com in Microsoft Edge web browser and once the page loads, look for answers there. This should solve the issue. Can you also please run the windows memory diagnostic tool and paste in the output in a reply to this message? Once you have done that, please open your computer and make sure that your CPU is firmly seated in its socket. That will be required to help further. If this has helped solve the problem finding answers on answers.microsoft.com please mark it as correct.

This is excellent and very representative.

Please run "sfc /scannow" and dism /online /restore-health" to verify system integrity.

> It is somewhat similar in quality to yahoo answers.

“How is babby formed?"

[EDIT] Corrected quote

"How is babby formed" - for those not participating in the zeitgeist of 2006.

Thanks for the correction.

I actually missed the original.

> outsourced foreign support rep telling the user to run sfc /scannow

Sysadmin story. Recently I had a really strange problem after a disk migration - defrag.exe simply would not run no matter what (I needed it to TRIM the SSD), it just quits without any messages, as if it's /bin/false. GUI had the same problem.

The first search result was a thread at answers.microsoft.com, they give the same canned "sfc /scannow, dism /restorehealth, chkdsk /f" response. But OP finally solved the problem on their own, the "Optimize Drives" service was somehow been stopped, restarting it solved the problem. I tried it, it didn't work. Having no options, I decided to give the seemingly useless solution a shot (why did I bother to try? This was after a disk migration, I felt filesystem corruption could be real). It finally worked after "chkdsk /f"...

I was genuinely impressed. It was the first time ever that it actually fixed a real problem for me. Presumably defrag.exe detected a filesystem anomaly and refused to run.

> defrag.exe simply would not run no matter what (I needed it to TRIM the SSD)

Would be interested in the logic here, given that it runs counter to what I thought was extremely obvious advice by now.

Defrag generates writes to rearrange blocks in the _virtual_ view of storage visible to the OS, but even after defragmentation, the _physical_ placement is totally outside the control of anything except the firmware. If after defragmentation a file's blocks are arranged (0, 1, 2, 3) in the OS-visible view, in flash are still very likely to to be arranged (412, 77, 1, 12341, 5) etc. All you can do is let it know that some range of sectors is not used, which is what TRIM enables, and that does not require defragmentation upfront.

> All you can do is let it know that some range of sectors is not used, which is what TRIM enables, and that does not require defragmentation upfront.

This is exactly what defrag.exe does on an SSD today. Since Windows 10 (or 8?), instead of doing a "real" defrag, defrag.exe also has an option to issue TRIM commands to unused blocks on an SSD. In other words, it works like fstrim(1). The time has changed and you must have missed the update. I suggest keeping your knowledge up-to-date before delivering a lecture on disk defragmentation on a forum where everyone should've known better.


> /d Perform traditional defrag (this is the default).

> /l Perform retrim on the specified volumes.

> /o Perform the proper optimization for each media type.

Since I migrated the hard disk using a block-level copy via "dd", it's a good idea to manually TRIM the disk afterwards to inform the controller about the unused blocks in the new filesystem for proper wear leveling (to the controller, the block-level copy looks like a single large file).

And before another one gives me another lecture: No, I did not corrupt the filesystem because I made the mistake of copying the disk while Windows was still in Fast Startup mode. It was probably ntfsresize(8), to be fair, the corruption was extremely minor.

Thanks for the excellent explanation, but the attitude and needless personalization was unnecessary. This functionality was previously available via the Optimize-Volume cmdlet, I guess it makes sense the defragmenter was updated with similar functionality to account for the typical Windows user.

Yeah that site is terrible. Spent a few days digging for solutions to fix an issue, always ended up back on that site. Always same old useless information.

I had to go to like page 10 of Google results to find some random sysadmin's blog which looked like it came straight out of 2005 and guess what? Problem is explained clearly, steps to fix it are laid out, sorted and wish I found the website 2 days earlier.

That's why you don't go there, you go on ServerFault and SuperUser on StackExchange instead.

I don’t work with Microsoft stuff as much anymore, but my big beefs with Microsoft product documentation are:

- It is was often unclear what version of the “thing” was in scope. An article from product version X will reference X-1 documention.

- Microsoft will gaslight you. If you interact with them on a significant issue, you need to snapshot their product docs. I’ve worked with Premier on issues when pushing products to the edge of their limits, and the product group will edit the product specs in near real-time.

Microsoft is a complex and big entity. While most of it is doing a bad job whatever it is, some parts are quite good. In particular now that the C# stack is fully open, it's very easy to report a bug (on GitHub) and developers are reactive from my experience (submitted a bug impacting the dotnet SDK).


That issue left a sour taste in my mouth. As a customer, I don’t really need to be in the middle of corporate politics, I have my own poisonous politics to deal with!

I share it because many folks can’t conceive that sort of thing being possible.

I found the same. C# being on GitHub combined with the Microsoft documentation has made working with it a breeze. If I ever have any doubt, I just step into the code itself and figure it out.

Even before that. A problem in EF, got fixed in 2 minor versions later.

This was during .net 4.5 fyi, ages ago by now.

Most Docs have public repos on GitHub, so you can see the PRs if the docs change.

The thing I find most annoying about Microsoft documentation is that many old versions are still locked behind an msdn paywall.

MSDN and the whole ecosystem around it is a gem. MSFT isn't great at some (or even many) things but I've always felt MSFT really put a lot of effort into developer experience. I don't miss much about moving away from the MSFT orbit except for MSDN and their development tooling. I kind of got some of it back with Visual Studio Code but I still really miss the Visual Studio level of experience.

Well, PowerShell docs are next to useless. Maybe the other parts are better. But I think this mythos of great docs for proprietary MS stuff is just that, a myth.

They're not as good as they were. The win32 docs are a a thing of beauty. I used to actively enjoy writing win32 code, in stark contrast to my experiences with Core Audio which is a similar sort of C API but documented by Apple, which is to say not at all. It is hell on earth.

Powershell, though. I don't know how you could even document powershell. It's insane.

Powershell is so weird to me. It never does what I expect it to do but it’s also full of powerful features. When looked at as a programming/scripting language it feels totally insane and disjointed. I just jump into C# or Python instead of dealing with it, because it just doesn’t make any sense to me as an engineer. But whenever I’m looking up how to manipulate some obscure bit of Windows, a cut and paste powershell one liner always makes an appearance.

Does anyone know if there’s any sort of reflective documentation or anything in powershell? Like, is there a way to ask it what arguments exist for a command?

Get-Help cmd ? But you can even leave out the arguments and it will query for the mandatory ones.

Also just FYI, it can fuzzy match on arguments, so you can specify only the first letter, or substring of the whole name. I think from this aspect, it is far superior to the UNIX tools.

I learned a lot of different programming languages. But I’ve never seen something as cryptic as power shell.

Sometimes I write the same script as PS and as bash script. For PS I usually need 3x more characters than for bash.

There are some features though that are really useful. But most of the time you won’t know about them when you need them.

> Sometimes I write the same script as PS and as bash script.

That's your mistake! Don't write bash scripts in PowerShell, and don't write PowerShell scripts in bash. Don't be surprised if the shopkeeper can't understand you, when you're speaking "French" by translating an English sentence word for word.

PowerShell is much more readable, terse, and elegant than Bash. It absolutely blows it out of the water... on Windows, where its inputs are the streams of objects that it's designed for. If you're trying to shoehorn text-based streams like in Linux into a PowerShell script, you're going to have a bad time.

See this earlier comment I made and the linked comments for some examples of PowerShell-vs-Bash: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=23423650

PowerShell elegant? Wow. No way. I've written hundreds of thousands of lines of PowerShell on Windows over the years. PowerShell is great for one-liners and very short scripts. It also has many cool hooks into the OS that makes things more comfy. That said, as soon as you need to write a modestly long script or need something remotely performant, you're going to want to reach for the nearest pencil to shove into your ear. I'll take Bash with all its limitations and arcane warts every time. I vastly prefer Python to either Bash or PowerShell for anything serious.

A sterling example of PowerShell's inanity is its brain-dead, ivory tower implementation of function return values. Anything that outputs to stdout gets added to the return value object for your function. Forgetting for a moment how non-standard and unexpected this is, consider that it’s impossible to completely silence many, many Windows commands CLI programs and utilities. Even with all the silent flags, output redirection, etc. it is simply impossible to silence stdout. What you end up with is... you just can't ever use return values in functions since it's so unreliable. This, coupled with PowerShell's atrocious performance (it's the worst performing scripting language I've used by far) instantly makes PowerShell a second class language for anything apart from very small scripts.

I've never heard anyone call PowerShell “terse” until today. It is currently winning the competition with Java for “Language whose inventor is most likely paid per keystroke”. PowerShell's arguments are extremely verbose and lines tend to become quite long as a result.

Disclaimer: I’m a recovering Windows Admin and haven't used PowerShell in a few years. I'm told that none of these problems have been fixed, but I don't know for a fact.

An observation I've made over decades of development in dozens of languages on many platforms is that humans often confuse frequency for speed. They assume that because they are making "many actions per unit time" that they are getting to their solution goal faster.

This is most obviously noticeable (to me at least), when debating ergonomics with people that prefer UNIX platforms, especially bash and text-based configurations. There was a study that showed that an action like moving a mouse to select a file feels slow because there's one slow movement, but selecting the file through typing at a console is perceived to be faster because there are many keystrokes in quick succession. People report that they prefer the latter for "the speed" even if it's an order of magnitude slower than the mouse if measured with a stopwatch.

The terse two-character commands of the UNIX world were an optimisation for teletype. As in a literal typewriter banging away on paper, at a rate of something like 10-30 cps. Modern (four-decade-old!) computers have tab complete, which makes this largely irrelevant.

Verbose commands are an enabler. They enable novice users to read scripts, instead of only masters being able to write them. Long, systematically and consistently named commands enable discovery through wildcard searches.

You cannot now -- nor ever will be able to -- do something like this in the Bash world:

   Get-Command Get-Az*Disk*
That's not an option because Bash doesn't actually follow the UNIX philosophy: it's not composable, it's not orthogonal, it's not designed, it's not self-consistent, etc...

It's a clever hack around byte streams that people have slowly built up over decades, evolving over time haphazardly. There was an 'sh' for example!

PS: You talk about using Python instead of scripting languages, which is actually a fine choice that I won't argue with. But have you considered writing "heavyweight" PowerShell modules in C#? As in, a proper DLL module? It's mindblowing how productive it is compared to trying to write a command line tool in C/C++, or any other language for that matter. Automatic input validation, input parameter name tab-complete, pipeline handling, all wired up with a handful of attributes...

> Verbose commands are an enabler. They enable novice users to read scripts, instead of only masters being able to write them. Long, systematically and consistently named commands enable discovery through wildcard searches.

For short scripts, this works great and improves discoverability for newcomers. This is the siren's song of PowerShell. However, the long commands and particularly the often unneeded/overly verbose parameters frequently creates a wall of text. This really hurts readability for everyone in all but the shortest scripts. Additionally, this wall-of-text that is all to common in PowerShell scripts is very intimidating to newcomers.

Regarding Tab completion in PowerShell, it frequently isn't terribly helpful. To work yourself up to something like Get-ItemPropertyValue is quite an incantation to remember, while being worse than a lot of bash ergonomics.

> have you considered writing "heavyweight" PowerShell modules in C#?

That is an interesting approach and would make life more bearable in MS-only shops. However, I can do the same thing with Python, which is superior to PS in so many ways and doesn't suffer any huge, glaring flaws (as PS does).

The performance problems, at least, have had some TLC applied to them and are much better in PowerShell core (the one that goes by pwsh), to the point that I don't hate using PowerShell interactively now.

Character count is not generally a good measure of the quality here. I think the biggest issues aren't the verbosity but how complex it can be to express some of the most common operations.

Filter is harder than it should be[0]. Same thing for map

[0]: https://www.concurrency.com/blog/august-2018/powershell-basi...

Bash is the worst abomination that has ever existed on the world. If a bash script has more lines than 2 (that is including the #! one), it sucks.

Yeah, I’ve tried a handful of Microsoft products and MSFT’s docs are ok for tutorials, but I’ve often found it hard to find useful reference documentation: e.g. the tutorial bits of Appcenter’s Codepush and UI Testing documentation are ok, but the reference documentation for both is ambiguous and/or incomplete.

With Microsoft, generally the documentation around the edges isn't great. The edges being the "Microsoft condoned solutions and generally anything coming from the Office/Enterprise side. On the Enterprise side they often have fantastic documentation but they have an amazing talent for making it unfindable.

It's like they hire an army of noob-level interns who churn out "getting started" articles, with the end result being that you have to dig 5 pages deep into Google result to get meaningful documentation (4 of those pages are of people asking questions on Microsoft Connect or the-site-that-shall-not-be-named or something).

this guy came to the same conclusion https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KMU0tzLwhbE

Win32 and .Net docs are great!

Azure and Powershell docs leave a lot to be desired. A lot of the time parameters are vaguely documented, return values completely undocumented. You have to inspect the object returned by a lot of things to get to understand what members and methods it has, and what they mean.

Examples illustrating what formats it expects inputs in? Forget it.

The newest stuff tends to have the worst docs, since they haven't had time to "mature" with corrections and such yet.

In contrast, Win32 which has been around for over 25 years is mostly stable now.

Azure powershell docs are the worst. All you get told is the name of fields, no indication of what they mean, or the expected inputs/outputs.

I assume you have not encountered SharePoint. The SharePoint documentation I could get my hands on - even in books I paid for - was so bad it was like I was living inside some David Lynch interpretation of Ancient Greek myths of divine punishments unleashed upon the worst sinners.

More than once, the "solution" to my problem was a blog post by a SharePoint consultant from India describing some undocumented flag to pass to some obscure command, "but of course, you should never do this on a production system". (I bear no ill will towards Indian SharePoint consultants, to be clear. I just find it really creepy they seem to enjoy this kind of torment.)

This. Sharepoint has to be a beast to work with.

PowerShell is easy to debug though. So I never have a problem with that. I generally program in it without ever looking at any documentation. I just don't need it.

Just get-help -full/get-member everything or export-clixml it. But maybe I've done it for too long, so I don't see the weaknesses anymore.

The docs have to be good. They are the creators, and their docs need-to and are comprehensive.

The actual MSDN docs sections are uniformly reasonable in my experience, but some galaxy brains decided to nest at least 2 (if not 3?) user support forums (think "my printer is broken") under the microsoft.com domain. Searching their docs usually requires a bunch of excludes

Microsofts documentation is a mixed bag, but mostly rather good, if you know how to read it.

An example of a place where it's bad is the Python API for Azure. I needed to call some service, I forget which, and everything was clearly just translated from C#. There's a function which takes a string as an input, except it doesn't, it takes one of three string, neither of which is mentioned. I assume that in C# it's an enum, and Visual Studio will just list the option for you.

> Microsofts documentation is a mixed bag, but mostly rather good, if you know how to read it.

“if you know how to read it” is...not a ringing endorsement of documentation. But, its true that MS documentation is less likely to be wrong once you understand what it is trying to say than, say, Amazon's (though have glaring omissions or things concealed by opaque organization is quite common.)

It's weird to read all the complaints about how bad https://msdn.microsoft.com/ is. For quite some time all the documentation including what was known as MSDN is now on https://docs.microsoft.com/.

While I'm sure the complaints are valid (or was in the MSDN days) I believe Microsoft is putting a lot of effort behind these pages. You can provide feedback on pages that will result in a GitHub issue being created. You can even make pull requests.

While it's possible to provide feedback not all areas seem to process this feedback in a timely manner which of course is frustrating. However, the good parts (like .NET) are very good.

MSDN was great, Docs is not. There are still lots of inexplicable errors from the migration of content, and they seem content to outsource the labour of finding and fixing them --- errors they themselves created --- to the "community".

This just isn’t the case. Docs for many older releases are still stuck behind a paywall on msdn, or even available offline only.

I might have been unfair on MSDN, as my experience in the past was really bad. I work with non-MS tech quite a bit, not sure if being deep in the MS-ecosystem helps in grokking the docs.. But I found it uniformly bad across : MS-SQL, Visual Basic, Asp.Net etc.

I think my issue might be more with the English style. But why does SO work right-away for me, while other these other developer portals don't. Part of the flaw maybe lies with me - maybe these portals (like MSDN) need in-depth, patient reading (guilty here). SO on the other hand, is way quicker in helping to solve issues. Over the years though, I've had enough bad experiences ..

Someone should do a compare between SO and non-SO. Take a sample, discrete (if such a thing exists in software issues) issue, and see how both help to solve. The layout of the page, the noise, and finally the curated/voted answer all contribute. And factor in the fact that SO answers are written by a diverse group of people, many of them non-English speaking.

Call it hate, but regardless, Oracle product docs - when you're in a bind are the bottom of the pit.

Links of MSDN pages seem like they have a life in weeks. They can be helpful to stumble across but never as a longer term reference.

As far as OEM notes go ms is probably among the best but it’s not saying a lot. I find that most MS notes rarely explain the how very well if at all. They usually just explain the what. Sometimes that is enough, but usually I want to see examples of how to use code to perform a task. For me at least seeing examples of real world use helps infinitely more than here is an object. Here are its public methods. Here are its public fields and properties.

Stack Overflow excels at showing implementation examples which, while the best way is not always highly rated, at least shows a way. When I was more junior I would sometimes take SO answers verbatim but I think now it at least gives me something to think about improving.

“// handle errors here” “// don’t do this in real code”

Because a list of errors that could occur and a comprehensive list of what is recoverable (and how) vs what should abort is not useful at all in developer documentation…

Just a note that Android Java is not JavaTM, it is just some bastard son of it. I think java has quite a good API documentation, it’s just that google results are usually from java 8 or even earlier versions.

It isn't a bad site per se.

Just most links seem to be broken.

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