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Libreboot: Freedom-Respecting Boot Firmware (libreboot.org)
209 points by guerrilla on Sept 10, 2021 | hide | past | favorite | 67 comments

My problem with Libreboot is not only that supported hardware is very old [0], but that all those devices are vulnerable to Meltdown/Spectre, so you cannot run any untrusted code (not even Javascript).

[0] https://libreboot.org/docs/hardware/#supported-hardware. It seems that the Chromebook is an exception?

I have a Thinkpad X200 with libreboot, and with it, I install the intel-microcode and such so I have the updated protections on then.

I personally feel that is a practical solution, as I have the FOSS bootloader, and I don't think Intel has backdoors in their microcode, it would much more likely be in Intel ME.

The Core 2 line of processors has not received any microcode updates since 2015.

"Products not planned": https://www.intel.com/content/dam/www/public/us/en/documents...

Well that's disappointing....but I guess not unexpected.

Are you saying that you can update the microcode on Thinkpad X200? How did you do that? I thought Intel stopped supporting it.

Given the mention of 'intel-microcode', presumably the parent means the Intel CPU microcode that is loaded during Linux kernel boot.

Yeah sorry, I should have been more specific, `interl-microcode` is a debian package that loads it on linux boot.

But does it actually help against those vulnerabilities?

AFAIK it does yes.

AFAIK it is supported:


Are there any x86 CPUs out there that are NOT vulnerable to Meltdown/Spectre at this time? AFAIK not, and we're all paying performance hit[1], have lower resolution timers in JS runtime, and such.

[1] https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=22830330

Technically, yes -- but they're simple cores like some older Atoms, so their performance was pretty low already.

I think that's on purpose from the side of hardware manufacturers - newer systems make it impossible to use your own boot firmware. But I'm not sure - could someone confirm?

Yes. Both modern intel and AMD CPUs require a signed firmware on boot, and there's no way to adjust these keys. This basically kills any attempt to keep the boot process open (but doesn't completely stop attackers because the signed firmware is vulnerable to a variety of attacks).

Can you go the other way, OLD enough that the relevant CPU features simply don't exist?

Oh well, no more than a geek's toy if you want to keep up with relevant hardware specs. Obviously the government will never ever give up such a prevalent, versatile but yet transparent or stealthy management facility or rather rootkit/spyware, I meant Intel ME or AMD PSP. As there are asymmetric keys pre-embedded in the hardware, it would be hopeless for most of us to disable or even bypass it. In other words, we don't really own the hardware we bought as we simply have no (full) control over it.

At least Intel ME is actually in the PCH, so it's theoretically possible to bring up an Intel CPU without it by developing a replacement chip but from what I understand the PSP is integrated into AMD CPUs so there would be no way to develop a replacement. Both have had a lot of vulnerabilities though and there's been some success in partially disabling ME, nothing that I know of on PSP though. There have been plenty of vulnerabilities in both, so I wouldn't say it's hopeless even if ME did get chip integrated.

I'm not sure why you think the government has anything to do with it though. I don't know what motivated them but I would suspect DRM lobbies first.

Technically yes, you were right, there is a chance for us to intercept the communication between PCH and the Intel CPU then reverse engineer the protocol or even directly RE the PCH chip and create a substitute. But how practical, I don't really know. Firstly, the effort required is beyond most people can afford IMO. Put those cost/effort etc. aside, there might some undocumented CPU features actually need ME to work and if I were the designer, I would at least use signed if not encrypted payload, then make the RE process much less likely.

Regarding why I was thinking the government(s) involve in it, actually it quite natural. At the very beginning, I would say it might be for IT management purpose only, and soon someone just like you mentioned DRM etc. get added to it. And I don't see a reason why government(s) don't see the value of it and would not want to get in as there is nothing better for large scale surveillance: built-in with almost every single machine, have access to virtually everything on the machine, powerful enough to do what ever they might want to do and most importantly, most people have no idea about it and even if someone like us happen to know it but nonetheless, we still almost absolutely have no way to remove it or at least disable it.

I'm sure states have an interest in these backdoors but I don't know of evidnece they're directly involved with it yet. It would be a natural fit as you say of course.

> Technically yes, you were right, there is a chance for us to intercept the communication between PCH and the Intel CPU then reverse engineer the protocol or even directly RE the PCH chip and create a substitute. But how practical, I don't really know. Firstly, the effort required is beyond most people can afford IMO. Put those cost/effort etc. aside, there might some undocumented CPU features actually need ME to work and if I were the designer, I would at least use signed if not encrypted payload, then make the RE process much less likely.

Well, yes, but I see this more as a project that would show up at DEFCON as a hack or maybe something commissioned by System76, Purism, Raptor, Pine or one of these companies.

You can't bring up an Intel CPU when BootGuard is enabled, only Intel-signed firmware works for those.

Has anyone reverse engineered the link between the CPU and the PCH? I think it’s called DMI.

I wonder if anyone has been working on disabling PSP[1] the way that people have done with IME. It looks like it's had at least a couple of vulnerabilities [2].

1. https://libreboot.org/faq.html#amd

2. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/AMD_Platform_Security_Processo...

Both of my devices' BIOS have an option to "disable AMD PSP". Can't really verify that it's off, though.

That's switch for TPM features only. You cannot disable PSP as it is responsible for x86 initialization.


Right. Intel platforms do XIP to get through memory training but AMD relies on the PSP to train memory and setup other systems. So without the PSP it just wouldn’t boot.

Sounds like a job for refactoring. Admittedly, I'm mystified what this "memory training" even is. POST->BIOS/UEFI->handoff to OS bootloader... Where's this memory training fit in?

> I'm mystified what this "memory training" even is.

Modern high speed links are very finicky, to the extent that various parameters (timing, etc.) on each end of the link can't be hardcoded. The link training is part of initializing the link where the FW on each end of the link try out various parameters in order to enable full speed operation.

> Where's this memory training fit in?

I believe it happens even before POST.

> Modern high speed links are very finicky, to the extent that various parameters (timing, etc.) on each end of the link can't be hardcoded. The link training is part of initializing the link where the FW on each end of the link try out various parameters in order to enable full speed operation.

Exactly. Initialising DDR memory in any kind of system is a bit of a black art for this reason, even when the chips are soldered to the same PCB as the SOC, let alone when there's two unknown PCBs and two sockets in the mix.

On essentially every PC that supports different sizes of RAM modules the firmware has to jump through somewhat interesting hoops in order to configure/enable the memory controller. DDR4 training is just one part of this. Typical flow goes something like this:

* All cores are brought out of reset. All cores start executing code from the end of 32b physical address space, hopefully some EPROM with firmware lives there. (One thing of note is that yes, intel says that there is no such thing as "unreal mode", but everything after i386 boots into unreal mode)

* Initial state of EDX signifies the position of CPU in SMP system, one core is designated as system processor, all other are application processors and thus do minimal APIC initialization and then enter halt and wait for IPI.

* The system processor continues executing its firmware and its first order of bussiness is to configure cache controllers as to get even a few kilobytes of writable SRAM for its data area.

* SP initializes enough of on-board PCIe devices to be able to access SMBus/SPD

* SP scans SPD to get list of populated DIMMs, their sizing and timing

* SP converts the SPD data into memory controller configuration and writes it there (note that at this point we are still doing XIP from slow-ish SPI Flash and have no RAM to speak of, so code that does this has to be very efficient, which is the reason for various RAM incompatibilities, as somehow common approach is to just hardcode expected configurations into the firmware).

* SP looks into NVRAM if the DIMM configuration is same as was on previous boot, if it is it skips the next step

* If it changed the SP enters the DDR4 link training algorithm. This essentially involves measuring lengths of wires from memory controller to individual DRAM chips. The idea there is that it is impossible to make them well-enough matched for the frequencies involved, so the deliberate difference is compensated for in logic and software (also it saves space on PCB of both motherboard and the DIMMs themselves).

* The result of training is written into configuration registers of the DRAM chips and memory controller (and saved into NVRAM for next boot, as the training is somewhat slow)

* We have RAM.

* Firmware completes initialization of PCIe topology, enables LPC bridge.

* Firmware does PCI(e) resource allocation. (The "PNP OS installed" switch in many BIOS configurations controls whether it configures all PCI devices or only these that it deems relevant)

* We have something that looks like PC.

* What one would call traditional PC-style POST happens now. First phase of ROM SCAN (in BIOS/CSM case) causes the VGA controller to come out of reset. Display turns on and user sees something like "Copyright (C) NVidia/AMD" in top-left corner

* Firmware draws its splashscreen/UI.

* Firmware completes all other initialization tasks (now running in somewhat sane environment). This involves entering protected mode and in CSM/BIOS case exiting it again (sometimes even multiple times). Various datastructures that are going to be passed to OS get filled in. List of boot devices is built. (this is the step that user perceives as "POST")

* Bootloader gets loaded from whatever device was selected and control is passed to it.

[Edit: and to make it even more interesting modern CPUs often need microcode update to be applied somewhere pretty early along this process]

[Edit2: it is my understanging that on at least some x86 server platforms the memory initialization is done by BMC although I'm not sure how exactly that works... bitbanging the DDR4 controller over JTAG?]

Right, that is how Intel does it. On AMD systems the PSP (which is ARM core integrated on the same die with its own on-chip SRAM) starts by loading its firmware from flash, initializes DRAM, does some other things, loads UEFI into main memory and only then releases x86 cores from reset.

Sidenote: Intel does that first stage before PCI/LPC root init using a bootrom on the CPU which also contains the hash of the RSA public key required to be used on the signed firmware it loads next. The enforcement policy on that depends on BootGuard fusing and the CSME/SPS.

Where in the name of all that is holy is this documented? Those gigantic x86 Programmer's guide volumes I've yet to add to my bookshelf?

If you search for XIP, there's a few resources out there, but mostly around intel's FPGA offerings. I would wager most of the documentation is behind NDAs for AMD and Intel respectively.

Purism in their Librem 5 separated that memory training into a separate (proprietary) chip and achieved blob-free software running on the CPU: https://puri.sm/posts/librem5-solving-the-first-fsf-ryf-hurd....

Which is meaningless philosophical exercise, as you still have the blob running anyway. (and now you cannot update it because it is in write protected memory, uh)

AFAIK it's not running. At least it's not running on the CPU.

It's not running on main core either way. It's blob which is loaded into DDR controller, and for some reason FSF thinks it is wrong to memcpy that blob using main cpu, but it is fine if you memcpy it using secondary core.

I am pretty sure that switch just ignores PSP after boot; ie neutering it after it's necessary

I remember when coreboot wasn't shit.

It all went to hell when the website changed from a very functional wiki to some standard template filled with marketing buzz.

They did then drop support for a lot of chipsets and boards, for some sort of commercial focus that as far as I can tell went nowhere.

Quick plug that system76 uses core boot in modern hardware. If anyone is in the market for a Linux pc anyways.

Not sure if anyone else installs it by default, it's been awhile since I've looked.

Purism installs it by default, too.

The wiki was not maintained and quite outdated. It probably still exists but may be read-only. You are right that there isn't a suitable replacement. Coreboot is more a developer centric project than a traditional OSS project with a large community. The high barrier to entry and lack of compatible hardware doesn't help, but there isn't much anyone can do about the latter.

Coreboot was a great project for it’s time. But if you want free hardware you need to build it yourself. As in from the RTL up to the keyboard.

> But if you want free hardware you need to build it yourself. As in from the RTL up to the keyboard.

As unrealistic as it would be it would be an incredibly fun project if you could stick to it

Not sure how it’s licensed, but I can’t help but the think of Niklaus Wirth and Oberon.

If you want to be pragmatic there are FPGA boards and the SiFive Unmatched. Both are slow and require a degree of trust. But they might make a small home server. Of course just because it’s open/free doesn’t mean it’s more secure.

I guess people differ in the definition of “fun”.

There is an online course called nand2tetris where you build a whole computer from nand gate level (CPU, ram, ROM, memory-mapped display output, keyboard scanning, etc), write your own assembler and high level language, then program it to play tetris. It is, bar none, the most fun online course I've ever taken.


Yes. So was free software. The idea that a worldwide community can build their own trustworthy software is amazing but it was subverted by hardware manufacturers and their backdoors and restrictions. We'll never be free until it's as easy to manufacture our own hardware at home as it is to write our own software.

I wonder if big cloud providers (AWS, GCP, Azure) have ways to deal with Intel ME or AMD PSP.

why would they want to?

Probably not, since IME/PSP is what allows them to perform unattended reboots, remote BIOS modification and all the other wild VPS features we take for granted these days.

That isn't true for AWS, the nitro card is used for all that jazz.

Those features are probably of zero value in that implementation scheme for the big clouds. Those are more the kind of things for small datacenters and 'hosting providers'.

Is Minix inside Intel Management Engine or the AMD equivalent of any concern? I'm not clear if the bundled firmware is already open sourced?

Check the FAQ. Both IME and PSP are covered.

1. https://libreboot.org/faq.html#amd

2. https://libreboot.org/faq.html#intel

I really wish Libreboot was run by a more stable individual. My eggs are in another basket.

It should not matter too much who runs it, if the community verifies Libreboot.

People said the same thing about Linus for years.

Which basket?

This https://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=news_item&px=Libreboo...


but later was apology from Leah Rowe:

It should be noted, that I have apologized directly to John Sullivan (executive director of the FSF) and Richard Stallman (founder and leader of the GNU project, and president of the FSF). Both have accepted my apology, and are happy that I am doing this and that Libreboot will once again work with them.



> https://libreboot.org/news/rms.html

Ultra-based. Thanks for changing my mind about Leah :)

https://www.linuxboot.org/ is another open source UEFI replacement too.

from libreboot import reboot


Brilliant name

> it is a coreboot distribution

It's parasitical removalware, riding on the real project's value and competing with it in market share after removing parts of it.

I'd rather see an honest fork that's properly maintained than this.

That's a rather inflammatory way of putting it... but you're not wrong. As things currently stand, Libreboot is effectively just a fork of Coreboot with support for any x86 hardware newer than 2008 or so removed (because newer hardware requires non-free binaries which Libreboot refuses to touch). Short of a major change in Intel/AMD policy, I don't see any realistic way this will ever change -- which guarantees that Libreboot will only become more and more irrelevant as time goes on.

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