> Parts of the blog posts are cached using memcached for 10 mins
That means Django needs to accept the request, route it, pull the data from memcached, render the template.
For such a site I'd just set the `Cache-Control` headers and stick Varnish in-front of it acting as a reverse proxy. That'd likely increase the page load times significantly and make the backend simpler not worrying about manually caching in memcached and just setting the correct `Cache-Control` http header.
As it's budget hosting i'd probably not even bother with Varnish and outsource that to Cloudflares generous free tier, it's cheating as your server (Origin) isn't doing 4.2m requests but the practicality is really convenient.
> Parts of the blog posts are cached using memcached for 10 mins
That means Django needs to accept the request, route it, pull the data from memcached, render the template.
For such a site I'd just set the `Cache-Control` headers and stick Varnish in-front of it acting as a reverse proxy. That'd likely increase the page load times significantly and make the backend simpler not worrying about manually caching in memcached and just setting the correct `Cache-Control` http header.
As it's budget hosting i'd probably not even bother with Varnish and outsource that to Cloudflares generous free tier, it's cheating as your server (Origin) isn't doing 4.2m requests but the practicality is really convenient.