Working in the space, that's one of the more frustrating things to see on HN/Reddit/etc. It's not a complex or niche thing, and especially for sites that only make profit when people can actually visit them, it's kind of a necessity to stay up as much as possible.
I don't have a "Do all These for a Fast Website" list handy, but here are some key points I've found can be applied to most sites:
- Make sites that are fast by default: Small bytes sent over the wire, beyond just initial page load, too. Yes, that does mean that your giant Google Tag Manager/Analytics/3rd party script is bloated. Reach out to 3rd parties about reducing their payload size, it's saved me several MB over the years. Also, not writing efficient CSS is a huge killer when it comes to byte site. Devs shouldn't "leave it just in case" when it comes to code, you have version control for a reason. And when a new feature comes out, clear out the old cruft.
- Avoid unnecessary DB calls: Obviously you need to get the data onto the page somehow, but if you can server-side render, then cache that result, you're reducing the overall calls to the DB. Also, optimizing queries to return only-what-you-need responses helps reducing total bytes over the wire
- Balance between Server and Client side: Not only are servers getting more powerful, so are client devices. Some logic can be offloaded to clients in most cases, but there needs to be a balance. Business-critical logic should probably be done server side, but things like pagination & sorting -- so long as they client will likely see or use all the data -- is fine in my book. Having 2000 rows of JSON in memory is totally OK, but rendering 2000 at once might cause some issues. Again, balance
- Hopping on the latest-and-greatest bandwagon isn't the best: Devs hate re-writing the site every 6 months, and really the newest framework might not be the best for your use case. Keep up to date with new technology, but saying "not for me" is fine.
- Don't let (non technical) managers make technology decision: See above. More often than not, C-levels want to use shiny new things they read an article about on LinkedIn once, no matter if it fits the needs of the company or not. Thankfully I've only been at one place that was like that, but while I was there it was hell. Current VP was an original developer on the site back in the early 00's, so he knows how to deflect BS for us. That VP also knows that he's outdated in his knowledge by now, so he trust the Devs to make technical decisions that are best for the company.