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You know what harms/kills waaaaaaaay more children?


Maybe we should ban pictures of those.

Wow. You hit the nail on the head. Now for the reality. Reality is that human death is ok as long as there is a value to society. Traveling quickly saves time and creates a huge value to people and the government. IE people make more money and pay more taxes than if there were no cars.

This is why speed limits went up awhile back. It's a balancing act. Human life is worth a certain amount to the government but isn't priceless. So, not only will they not ban cars, but not lower speed limits too much.

Imagine the lives saved if there were discriminators on cars that made it so they would not go over 55mph. Lives saved, yes, but productivity lost..

Privacy and global communication networks create tremendous value for society. Unfortunetly people want to throw those out for the sake of incidences that negatively effect an astronomically small number of people.

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