Not really, as I've found. Even if you manage to find something that's not "made in PRC", you have to realize that many products are complex, and some parts will still be made in China.
The other thing is that I don't see that some other places are "better" than China in this way. Are sweatshops better in other places for example?
I think what can be done is to consuming less. Buying second hand. Learning basic techniques to repair. Things like that.
Yeah, it's probably that buying from outside China might be worse, because it will either be really expensive, or it will be made in a country with even worse worker protections. The other way is to just stop buying those things, which will leave you a minimalist with maybe a mattress, and definitely no electronics.
Answering as a thinking exercise: probably not, or, only if you change your life drastically.
E.g. if you own a car there must be parts in it made in China, even things like screws or connectors. Are you allowed to take public transport for this self-imposed "embargo"?
I guess even your power company has components made in China. Hey, let's buy solar panels and go off-grid, oh wait...