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> Where's the irony?...Never have I ever been harassed while wearing sports or hiking clothing, including accidental trespassing in countries where I barely spoke the language. Can't say the same about the outfit I mentioned, while doing nothing wrong.

I think the OP is likely referring to the recent incident [1] in Georgia in the US where a black man was chased down and killed while he was jogging on the street in, guess what, T-shirt and shorts.

I am aware that your recommendation is possibly about Germany. It's still ironic, and in my opinion your recommendation is ineffective.


[1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Killing_of_Ahmaud_Arbery

Yeah, we're talking Europe in this thread though. Nobody ever gets shot while jogging, even less so by another civilian. Gun homicide and killed by cop deaths are orders of magnitude lower.

But yeah I should have gauged my comment towards a mostly US-centric readership.

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