I'm just connecting fictitious dots here, but it seems a rather crafty move to launch a hotel search site in the midst of the Airbnb debacle. "Oh, I was going to use Airbnb, then I heard about so-and-so's experience with them and decided to book a hotel instead ... and oh look! A spiffy new hotel search service!"
Which reminds me--I think there was an article linked here on HN not long ago about Google's timing in releasing new products/features--can't find it now, but makes me wonder if Google doesn't keep a few projects in the wings, waiting for the opportune moment (i.e. best PR moment) to launch them.
There's good potential here for accurate price discrimination. If Google collects and passes on user data (especially now that there's G+), they'll know a banker can probably pay more for a hotel than a student.
I'm not sure if they'll put this into practice, but this sure gives them the ability to.
Thus creating a world where everybody struggles to look as poor as possible to Google's algorithms in the hopes of getting a good price?
I'll just google "how do i gets my babby daddy to give me his welfare check" ten times a day, and use a separate account when it comes time to research private yachts. Cha-ching!
Why would Google do this? There is no way it would not be discovered leading to a lot of ill will and little gain for Google. Plus I know of no current Google marketplace where they adjust cost based on user information.
- Results are returned instantly. - The heat map idea, coupled with draggable area, is pretty cool.
Nice to see more competition and innovation in hotel search.