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I’m surprised to not see fish listed. When I was a kid my dad would receive live fish from saltwaterfish.com. They would show up in insulated containers, alive, if a bit stressed. I guess they must’ve come via one of the private mail carriers.

Edit: Whoops, I can’t read!

They are listed, under “526.6 Small, Harmless, Cold–Blooded Animals”


Tropical Fish

- Fish must be held in a securely sealed primary receptacle.

- Fish must be held in a securely sealed primary receptacle.

- Primary receptacle must be cushioned with sufficient absorbent material to take up all liquid in case of leakage.

- Primary receptacle and absorbent cushioning material must be sealed within waterproof outer (shipping) packaging.

Requirements for "Goldfish" and "Tropical Fish" are listed under the "Small, Harmless, Cold–Blooded Animals" section

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