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Uh... you can still do that today.

    > print(“Hello world”)

  >>> print(“Hello world”)
    File "<stdin>", line 1
      print(“Hello world”)
  SyntaxError: invalid character '“' (U+201C)

You can blame my iPhone for trying to "helpfully" convert my quotes into smart quotes. :(

You’re missing the “install python” step.

Oh and probably you should be using a package manager to do it so figure out which one’s on your system first and learn its interface.

Oh and it’s best practice to create projects in a virtualenv so install that too, and learn how to use it.

The is also a JavaScript programming environment that almost every PC has, the browser. Just open any page and press F12, click the "Console" tab and type `console.log("Hello World")` and you just write your first Hello World.

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