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It says in the YouTube video, and shows in the clips that the keynote revealed the rendering immediately as part of the show?

I didn't see the full thing, but the posture and lighting in the clips in the making-of don't look like they'd have convinced anyone? (See YouTube video avnigo links).

Is this just marketing saying water isn't wet or am I missing something?

Seems like the reveal was at the end of the 2021 keynote: https://youtu.be/eAn_oiZwUXA?t=6470

But he was in the kitchen at the beginning of the 2020 keynote: https://youtu.be/bOf2S7OzFEg?list=PLZHnYvH1qtOZ2BSwG4CHmKSVH...

You can spot straight away that he looks like he's in a Zoom meeting with a fake background, he has a green halo behind his hair, and after he says "Our first kitchen keynote." he moves his shoulders and you can see the background behind his shoulders move. (Edit: what the hell, the moving background is visible in the 1080p version, but not really in the 2160p one! So I guess that's YouTube's compressor's fault.)

Since they already built a very detailed model of his kitchen, it would've been more interesting if they had a multi camera setup, or even a camera that moves around, like in the BBC studio https://www.bbc.com/sport/av/olympics/58113457

And the "deepfaked" Jensen seems to me is also very easy to spot...

Or... was he in his real kitchen in 2020, and I'm just seeing things? At the start of his talk in 2021 the kitchen is very out of focus and blurred.

> Seems like the reveal was at the end of the 2021 keynote: https://youtu.be/eAn_oiZwUXA?t=6470

The kitchen in the background doesn't match the one being disassembled, you see items in a different place and far less realistic lighting in the 3D modeled one. So I think his background is real/a picture, and then they simply cut to the fake one (the version of the 2021 keynote that I see on YouTube is incredibly blurry even at the highest resolution of 1080p that I can select, so if they deepfaked the speaker, I suspect they were hiding that).

The kitchen in 2020 was real. The kitchen in 2021 was a combination of real and fake shots, and you can clearly see transitions between them.

YouTube destroys video quality at 1080p especially if the original file is not "optimal". I spent a week recently testing what combinations of bit rate, resolution, and codec gets the best results at 1080p.

Short version: Upload at 4K, 2mbps x frame rate(30fps x 2mbps = 60mbps), H.265

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