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Why does this use let and var together? Was I (not a modern js expert) wrong to think var is considered obsolete? Is it because OP wanted to use var's scoping rules?

It's almost certainly from copy-pasted code from other sources. The Perlin Noise section at the top is not original code at least - though I can't find an original source.


var is not obsolete. You still need it sometimes for scoping reasons.

Could you give an example? It seems like any "var" could be replaced with "let" at a different scope.

Won't work:

    if(checkForSomething()) {
      let foo = 2;
    } else {
      let foo = 3;

    console.log(foo); // won't work

    if(checkForSomething()) {
      var foo = 2;
    } else {
      var foo = 3;

    console.log(foo); // will work
That said, I religiously avoid "var" and just declare the variable beforehand with "let" because there are too many other gotchas with var. Less debugging headaches. And use "const" religiously as well, like C++ people do.

That's exactly what I meant by "any "var" could be replaced with "let" at a different scope":

    let foo;
    if (checkForSomething()) {
       foo = 2;
    } else {
       foo = 3;

const in C++ is very different than const in JavaScript though. I guess you are well aware of that but I feel like being pedantic.

This is allowed in JavaScript:

    const foo = {bar: 1};
    foo.bar = 2;

It's not really any different if you keep in mind that foo is a reference here, and so that's what const applies to. The equivalent in C++ would be a const pointer to a non-const object.

const foo = Object.freeze({bar: 1});

You don't need var, you don't need it's weird scoping behavior.

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