It's a raw bus? It's like an operating systems idea of a network stack being to hand all software raw ethernet access. It is an obvious concurrency disaster once you have more than one application trying to access it, the data transmitted and control handed over is entirely opaque to the operating system (god knows what monitor vendors sneak over DDC) and most importantly all of these are absurdly low level implementation details that are subject to change.
For all you know, they don't even need DDC beyond the initial EDID setup and multiplex the I2C hardware to do something else and can't physically provide this interface anymore.
if you have root access, you should be allowed to have raw device access. the problem seems to be that apple no longer believes in users owning their computers, if it ever did.
Daily reminder that Jobs wanted one of their early computers (Lisa? Mac? Can't remember) to be bolted shut, until he was persuaded otherwise. Similar story with Apple II and expansion slots.
It's in their nature. Apple was bound to invent the iPhone.
For all you know, they don't even need DDC beyond the initial EDID setup and multiplex the I2C hardware to do something else and can't physically provide this interface anymore.