> Wokists make jokes about Ayn Rand because she died poor, lonely and deprived, dependent on the state. The ultimate payback, no? Asocial is, as Asocial does.
Wokists make jokes about Ayn Rand because it makes them feel better and they don't know or choose to ignore that this is false. She didn't die poor, lonely and deprived. She still made a lot of money by the time she died and the amount she collected from state was 2k or something like that.
Free money, why not? I'd do the same. Or you one of those people who think if you receive something from opposing side=you support them? Guess all the socialists and communists should be dead by now.
this isn't productive use of the shared space. All the write ups i see say it was driven by necessity not deep cynicism.
you're flaming from a young account, not discussing, and you ignored matters of substance I tried to bring to the fore, chasing wokism and Ayn Rand. Why bother?
> If I looked for a word to describe the other point of view I get to "collectivist" but within seconds Its descended into name calling around socialism.
to quote myself, this is precisely what you're doing.
Wokists make jokes about Ayn Rand because it makes them feel better and they don't know or choose to ignore that this is false. She didn't die poor, lonely and deprived. She still made a lot of money by the time she died and the amount she collected from state was 2k or something like that.