I use Feedly on the backend, Reeder 3 on my Mac and NetNewsWire on my iPad. I did pay for Reeder years ago and I use it on my Mac because it has good keystroke support (j for next article, etc.) whereas NNW does not.
There's a Reeder 5 and the two improvements (for me) that it has over 3 is that Twitter probably won't say "outdated browser" and refuse to show tweets and support for adding newsfeeds directly. I think MacOS added support for this after Reeder 3 was released.
Mixing the two readers is fine because Feedly is keeping track for them. If Feedly were to start charging, I'd probably start using NNW exclusively since they provide the option of using iCloud to sync.
There's a Reeder 5 and the two improvements (for me) that it has over 3 is that Twitter probably won't say "outdated browser" and refuse to show tweets and support for adding newsfeeds directly. I think MacOS added support for this after Reeder 3 was released.
Mixing the two readers is fine because Feedly is keeping track for them. If Feedly were to start charging, I'd probably start using NNW exclusively since they provide the option of using iCloud to sync.