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So could an interpreter. Also, Afghanistan has mountains and binoculars, neither of which requires guessing Air Force usernames on Strava or whatever. Not that you don't do anything you can that works in asymmetrical warfare or whatever the inside-the-beltway crowd prefers to call it these days, but it's hardly as if there's much in the way of a unique threat model here.

In any case, Pokemon Go's been out since, what, 2016? No one on any side has taken the American war in Afghanistan seriously since well before then. When you're just waiting around for Americans to acknowledge the inevitable and leave, there's not all that much point in finding clever ways to blow up Americans - all that's liable to do is make Americans maybe decide to stick around longer. That doesn't necessarily make Americans playing Pokemon Go in Bagram a good idea, but it also doesn't make it a bad one, and I can think of a lot worse.

We weren't guessing usernames, lol — these assclowns had a public map — of every user's data!!

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