So, comments like the grandparent's are just examples of the law-and-order stage of moral development, whereas yours are an example of either the fifth or six stages.
Thanks for that. Other sibling posts to yours all seem to be taking the position that "the end justifies the means". That's not what's in effect here at all. In this case there's no such corruption, it's purely engaging in a moral action in defense of those being acted upon immorally.
This is not an example of utilitarian ethics, with the greatest good for the greatest number, or diverting a runaway streetcar to avoid five people on the tracks, at the cost of striking a single person on the other track.
I don't think GP is lawful-good. lawful-neutral as best, potentially lawful-evil. A lawful-good character would not do nothing when facing evil, and would not chide others for acting.
The difference is the impact it will have on our society. Isolated cases of illegal actions, to support the greater good, do have their place. But praising it to the world is going to play on others' emotions, encouraging them to do the same in the future. It is a slippery slope. People will be doing it for the attention in the future, not for the greater good.
And there ARE legal actions that can be taken in these scenarios. The worldwide praise of this act will encourage people to not even look for legal alternatives. Vigilante justice will prevail, and over time that damages the greater good.
Report the incident to people with authority to act on it. Law Enforcement, his ISP, his data provider... anyone really, who has a legal right to stop the behavior.
And if you have good reason to conclude nobody is going to do anything? (Law enforcement has 'real crimes', the ISP is effectively bought off, nobody else cares.)
And that's why those of us who are evil-aligned are having fun getting stuff done. Being a paladin is all well and fine, but it keeps you from actually benefiting mankind sometimes. "The hottest places in hell are reserved for those who in times of great moral crisis maintain their neutrality", as JFK said.