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Is it ironic that Amazon uses leetcode for their programming screeners?

That may be the reason the author posted to leetcode.

tin foil hat on: that post is going to get removed.

Maybe in India but I don't recall leetcode being involved at all in my process.

I'm in the US and have been approached by multiple recruiters who explained the the first part of hiring was a leetcode-like online assessment, and a later part of the process was a full day onsite (which I understood to be leetcode-like, or systems design questions, just like other big tech companies). I did not actually go through the process.

They might not be using leetcode.com itself, but they are doing similar things.

Well then the point about leetcode doesn't mean much here.

Yes, most companies do coding assessments, but that doesn't mean it's ironic that the comment was posted on leetcode itself.

My experience with Amazon had no self guided coding assessment, it involved a human guiding you through a problem or multiple problems.

Hit and miss for me with Amazon recruiters. Some have a Hacker Rank and some say I can skip it.

I've interviewed there twice and both times the first step was an automated coding assessment. Not leetcode but very similar. You're given a prompt and the expected function signature, and your code must pass a dozen or so test cases.

But again, the parent comment was it was ironic because it was posted on leetcode. If they're using some other platform there's no irony there, notwithstanding any alanis morissette-directed conversation.

Agreed! Just giving my experience with them for the HN record.

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