New rule: if a presenter shows a sexy, naked or scantily clad woman in a slide, and tries to justify themselves by making a self-deprecating joke, the audience is supposed to say "oh yes you are", spray them with hot sauce, and leave.
I'm not sure what your point is. If all you mean is that there might exist some conferences where nobody would notice then yes (also: sky is blue.) But what does it have to do with this discussion?
The point was that the rule might not be useful everywhere. Sorry for adding a pointless point to a pointless discussion. I figured at this comment depth it might be OK to insert some humor.
I guess my bigger point was really that this discussion is pointless on such a general level.
I have special place in my black dead heart for porn and fashion industry. But you could point out eg. an anti-violence or feminist conference. I doubt there would be any self-derogatory comments in those cases, though.