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While it is a fun idea, I was disappointed to see the sample package. Both items are very readily available where I live in the US (SF Bay Area), which has a large Asian population.

I hope he also sends other items that are more obscure. Otherwise, it would be possible to run this same service for much cheaper from California.

Yikes. It's 3am here in Japan, but I think I'll go out right now to get some candy that will better represent what there is on offer here.

Here are some I was able to find in a small local convenience store. http://i.imgur.com/KGdah.jpg Bigger supermarkets and regional specialty stores should have an even better variety of tastes.

Don't forget that campaign candies and some people are looking for certain prints on their candy (e.g. Evagelion prints on candies).

A lot of footwork to cover here..

I recall yahoo.co.jp having webpages dedicated to some of this stuff.

Looks great. I have not seen these candies before. Best of luck to you!

Not to poop on the parade too much but even though these move you beyond garden variety Pocky I can buy many of these candies at a local Nijiya here in San Diego.

A few of the others are slightly harder to acquire but can be had by going to the giant Mitsuwa market up in Torrance, which is quite a drive for me but still far easier/cheaper than post from Japan.

Potentially still an OK business idea just for people who aren't aware of their options or who live in the heartland or just like the randomness of 'XXX of the month' style clubs.

I agree, totally cool idea, might be OBE these days. I can get Pocky in some local convenience stores around where I live.

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