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Yeah I would have loved to see HDFS get really scalable metadata management. I remember hearing about LinkedIn's intentions to really do some significant work there are the last community event I attended, but from their blog post this week it doesn't sound like that's happened since the read-from-standby work [1].

Kerberos (quite popular on big enterprise clusters) is really what makes it hard to get data in / out IMO. I see generic Hadoop connectors in A LOT of third party tools.

[1] https://engineering.linkedin.com/blog/2021/the-exabyte-club-...

Apache Ozone https://hadoop.apache.org/ozone/ is an attempt to make a more scalable (for small files / metadata) HDFS compatible object store with a S3 interface. Solving the meta data problem in the HDFS namenode will probably never happen now. Too much of the Namenode code expects all the meta data to be in memory. Efforts to overcome the NN scalability have been around "read from standby", which offers impressive results.

The meta data is not the only problem with small files. Massive parallel jobs that need to read tiny files will always be slower than if the files were larger. The overhead of getting the metadata for the file, setting up a connection to do the read is quite large to read only a few 100kb or a few MB.

The other issue with the HDFS namenode, is that it has a single read/write lock to protect all the in memory data. Breaking that lock into a more fine grained set of locks would be a big win, but quite tricky at this stage.

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