except that, unlike ble, lora lives on bands that are not the same world wide - there is no region 3 ISM band - here in NZ the US ISM band is right in the middle of one of my cell phone company's bands
this is true but in practice it's not a big deal. Companies don't usually do a single sku for the whole world especially with the certification requirements.
I (pre-covid) visit the US a lot and often bring stuff back. I'm used to turning off/switching the US-DECT/etc when required but in this case Amazon has snuck extra functionality into my home without my knowledge.
Of course when the radio inspector comes knocking on my door because Amazon has loaded the wrong firmware into my box (without my knowledge) it's me who's breaking the law, not Amazon
this is already the case. certifications for 2.4GHz and 5GHz WiFi have different requirements between the US and EU. Often in the EU companies have to lower the peak power.