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In Germany, anything computer-related is subsumed under "Informatik".

- Students learning to use MS Office in school? Informatik.

- People fixing printers and replacing your harddrive? Informatik.

- System administrators managing a datacenter? Informatik.

- Data scientist applying deep learning techiques? Informatik.

- University professor trying to prove P==NP? Informatik.

Honestly, I envy the Americans for their destinction between "computer science" (CS) and "information technology" (IT). Even if computer science is not really about computers.

It depends on the context. A university degree in Informatik will obviously not be about using MS Office. But 7th grade Informatik is. 10th grade Informatik introduced programming at my school. A trained job “Fachinformatiker für Systemadministration” will be about sysadmin work.

To 90% of the population, it's not "obvious" or we would not need T-Shirts labeled "I will not fix your computer for you".

Even a common programmer does not use any actual "computer science" 99% of the time and your typical sysadmin type probably never knew any. So it's simply wrong and confusing to use the same word for it.

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