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It’s a long list, the major one is state income taxes, also charitable deductions can cover charities you create which can be a big deal if something you’re doing anyway could qualify.

However, some oddities like theft of investments such as gold or artwork and even some fines can be deductible. So sure on it’s own the mortgage tax deduction isn’t always huge, but it’s rarely the only deduction someone could take.

You can't deduct state & property taxes beyond $10k anymore, that deduction has been neutered significantly.

Charitable donations are not a tax dodge scheme for even the people who make $500k/yr, it's way too complicated and expensive to make it a vehicle to direct tax free spending. As an estate tax dodge, yes it is a thing, but again, many high income people don't have $5mm sitting around where that becomes a good idea too.

Theft is also not a reliable tax deduction, and if it was, it would be fraud! And you just lost something!!! I assure you the vast majority are not doing this.

So please, tell me what actual tax deductions you can take as a high income W2 employee that is actually significant

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