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It seems the project has adopted a repressive code of conduct, allowing for arbitrarily and retroactively defining people's behavior as unacceptable, and consequently sanctioning them all the way up to expulsion. There seem to be no due process rights and such procedures can be conducted secretly based on anonymous denunciations.


Now, don't get me wrong - I have no idea whether that actually happens or not, since I've only just noticed the project. But such a repressive official policy is a bad sign. I doubt it deserves the _Libre_ prefix in its project name.

In general, there are better nits to pick. If they are helping out food pantries to avoid giving Microsoft chunks of their limited budgets for license keys, who the fuck cares? Let's not lose perspective of priorities.

At this point, the culture war set pieces are extremely tired, regardless of which team you root for.

What is 'repressive' about what is described on that page?

>allowing for arbitrarily and retroactively defining people's behavior as unacceptable, and consequently sanctioning them all the way up to expulsion

You could do that without a code of conduct... but even without one I think it would be unfair to criticize a group for it... if you know nothing of that happening.

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