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So that invites an obvious question: Why isn't the competitor available on that next street too?

Some streets are more expensive to dig on than others. Perhaps prices are higher and competition is lower there for that reason.

Don't get me wrong; I don't trust the broadband providers to do anything but try to extract maximum revenue from their customers. But I also don't immediately trust too-simple explanations that confirm my biases. The story here is more complicated than just moustache-twirling greedy corporations.

I live in a Charter area and can confirm similar pricing shenanigans have recently happened here. A fiber internet service is rolling out in our city, neighborhood-by-neighborhood. However, it is only rolling out in the CITY. There are pockets of land inside of the city that have been never annexed by the city and that still remain in the jurisdiction of the local unincorporated TOWN. You could never tell you were in the town, not the city, by looking at these houses and streets--they look just like the neighboring ones. (Our city has a no-forcible-annexation policy). The fiber company (a regional player named TDS) is not deploying fiber in those town-not-city areas yet. I suspect TDS will eventually roll out to these non-annexed areas, but for right now probably has deployment targets to hit in the city since they have a deal with the city (for easy right of access and such) and are too busy to take care of those extra houses.

Anyway, all of that is preamble to point out that if you order service from Charter within one of those pockets of non-city-so-no-TDS-service-yet, you will pay a higher price than your neighbors on all sides of you that are in the city (and hence in the TDS service area). That points to, yes, it is monopoly-power-moustache-twirling greed on Charter's part here. Or alternately you could just say the lower prices at the neighbors is competition doing it's magic.

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