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> Yes literally never in my lifetime

How old are you?


1981: > A word to the wise: The great Los Angeles housing boom is over. The real estate price explosion in southern California, which sparked a national boom still continuing elsewhere, has stopped. The bubble that everyone said could never burst has burst. All over Los Angeles and Orange County, home buyers can buy a property for less than it would have cost a year ago

Of course, prices recovered. Just in time for the 1990s!


> In real prices;

Boston didn’t get back to its 1987 peak until 2000 (13 years);

New York didn’t get back to its 1987 peak until 2002 (15 years);

Los Angeles didn’t get back to its 1989 peak until 2002 (13 years);

San Diego didn’t get back to its 1990 peak until 2000 (10 years); and

San Francisco didn’t get back to its 1990 peak until 1999 (9 years).

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