That's not the same thing at all. Taking the time to provide information that you've read the question, considered the options, and specifically want to say that you don't care about Google+ is different from not reading the item, or not considering the options, or deciding not to provide information.
I, for one, sometimes choose to share information even about topics in which I have no interest. Why? Because I think information is of value, and I will provide it to a community in which I have an interest. It's the community I care about, not the topic.
So Google+ is not interesting, but the idea that you're interested in expressing your disinterest is itself worth interest?
Should I write a post complaining about how I want an option on the poll to express that I do not care that you do not care? How deep does this rabbit hole go before we all have better things to do?
And you took time to write that in the hopes of educating me about your attitude. Thanks. I appreciate that.
And in case you're unsure, that is not sarcasm. I genuinely do appreciate the time you spent ensuring that I understood your opinion. I think you're wrong, and I think you've misunderstood my points and my purpose. It is of value to me to see how you've misunderstood.
But I have better things to do than try to fix that misunderstanding.