Well, think about operating a credit card company and taking fees whenever one of your cards is used. You could be very rich that way. Was any wealth created, or are you just siphoning off value that, in your absence, would have gone to someone else?
In that case, you created a lot of wealth and kept a part of it. The extra wealth arose from transactions that wouldn't have occurred without the service you provide.
Cryptocurrency isn't used much as a medium of exchange, but that was a design goal. Theoretically, it could be.
Well, think about operating a credit card company and taking fees whenever one of your cards is used. You could be very rich that way. Was any wealth created, or are you just siphoning off value that, in your absence, would have gone to someone else?
In that case, you created a lot of wealth and kept a part of it. The extra wealth arose from transactions that wouldn't have occurred without the service you provide.
Cryptocurrency isn't used much as a medium of exchange, but that was a design goal. Theoretically, it could be.