Every purchase would be coded like they already are with credit cards. You can spend it only on the right category. Good luck trying to launder it when every transaction is logged and easily queryable.
"Government-enforced consumerism" sounds an awful lot better to me than picking winners and losers like in 2008 or massive stimulus that did nothing but boost asset prices like 2020.
You could make informal trades where you pay for something someone else would have already bought and give them a small discount. Or just buy something and resell it immediately.
Every purchase would be coded like they already are with credit cards. You can spend it only on the right category. Good luck trying to launder it when every transaction is logged and easily queryable.
"Government-enforced consumerism" sounds an awful lot better to me than picking winners and losers like in 2008 or massive stimulus that did nothing but boost asset prices like 2020.