What's with all the griping going on regarding javascript? Twine is made for these "choose your own adventure" type games, and it's faster to use it than handcode everything while serializing all your app state to a cookie.
What's next, a bunch of complaining that electron apps are slow? That people are writing video games in managed languages?
I also think that Twine/Client-Side-JS isn't the worst choice here. It takes unnecessary load from the server and is easy to use, at least for the one creating the game.
It's just so frustrating to watch how having loads of Javascript on websites that absolutely don't need it has been normalized. I don't think people should be blamed for using Javascript (or Electron, .NET, whatever), especially for hobby projects. But I also think users shouldn't be silent about it, especially since there are young developers who actually don't know software could be better. It's just such a massive waste of resources and breaks accesibility way to often.