Everyone already has to pay in time and frustration to use the roads when it is congested. Slapping a monetary fee on top gives priority to the wealthy. $10/day is a lot more when you make $12/hr. When you consider the flexibility afforded to well compensated white collar workers it becomes even less fair.
The drywaller has every right to sit in stop and go traffic with the investment banker.
Yes, and that’s a distribution of wealth problem. Making both the drywalled and banker sit in traffic doesn't solve it. The banker will take a helicopter. Or leave the office early.
Congested roads have externalities such as the congestion backing up into side streets, rubber banding the congestion along the rest of the road, and extra use of brakepads/fuel energy to stop and go.
Spending time in congestion also adversely affects lower paid people because the cost of their time spent in congestion is implicit. If it was made explicit via tolls, then employers would have to pay better to get them to their workplace at peak congestion times.
The drywaller has every right to sit in stop and go traffic with the investment banker.