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Not in the diamond industry. But, most diamonds are etched with a serial number. GIA etches a report number you can look up online for instance. Similar to a VIN you could probably google it and see if it's been listed/sold elsewhere. Unlikely though as the turn around on diamonds is very low.

The easiest way is to determine through the setting. Styles change. If it's a setting from the 50s that isn't made anymore it's probably old. If it's a setting from a company that is < 10 years old it's got a better chance of being new.

Diamonds are not damaged when swapping settings. They are often removed and reset if a prong breaks for instance.

Most people just don't want to buy from estate sales or auction. So, jewelry stores will do that, clean it up, put it in a new setting (or leave it as is), and resell it as 'new'.

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