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I find it ironic that many people in this thread are extolling the virtues of lab grown diamonds, as they are nearly indistinguishable from natural ones and cost around 50% less. But they still cost quite a bit, whereas cubic zirconia is also nearly indistinguishable to the naked untrained eye and cost a tiny fraction of that cost.

Those who see value in a synthetic diamond over a CZ should also see the value some perceive in a natural diamond over a synthetic. And those who see value in a CZ over nothing at all should see why some value a synthetic diamond and so on.

I should also mention that even imperceptible to the human eye traits of diamonds like clarity and color, above SI or near-colorless affect value and pricing despite the fact that nobody can tell with the naked eye in normal conditions whether your stone is a F color or I.

Some people just ascribe value to these things, probably in the same way others value comics, baseball cards, art, NFTs...

So let people value what they want rather than pass judgement.

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