I think your sibling is [dead]ed (not downvoted) because it is posted by a shadowbanned account (see their comment history of posting a lot of content-free flamebait: https://news.ycombinator.com/threads?id=JarlUlvi&next=166198...) and not enough people have vouched for the comment.
IIRC workers in front of radar antennas noticed chocolate bars melting in their pockets during WWII, and that observation inspired the development of microwave ovens. Not sure how long it took for people to realize that their internal organs were doing something similar to the chocolate bars...
IIRC workers in front of radar antennas noticed chocolate bars melting in their pockets during WWII, and that observation inspired the development of microwave ovens. Not sure how long it took for people to realize that their internal organs were doing something similar to the chocolate bars...