- Defocusing input fields in the middle of typing login information
I guess i'm in the minority these days but I like to keep strong passwords in my head.
This usually happens due to some side effect of the login page being absolutely fucking massive and not fully loading or executing before I start to fill in the form, then one of three things usually happens in order of frequency:
1. cookie banner blocks input and defocuses
2. it defocuses for no apparent reason (I suspect MVC "rendering")
3. it "helpfully" re-focuses on the first input element
The last one is the most annoying because in the worst case i type my password in visible text.
Only login I regularly use that does not suffer from this problem (or any others!), is HN:
I use Surfing Keys, a vim-like plugin for browsers. When inputs defocus unexpectedly while I'm typing all of the navigation shortcuts kick in and it's like "roll a d100 to see which random negative consequence you get." Usually I at least lose the page that I'm on and I have to start the form over.
This reminds me of when certain browsers used to emulate IE by mapping backspace to "go back". I lost so many forms to that feature before Safari came up with the "are you sure you want to leave without submitting this form you started filling out?" dialog and they copied it
Since I started using facebook (2010) until today, it happens to unfocus and is very weird. If I go to login page, start typing my email very fast, it lose focus after 1s even before I finish typing.
- Defocusing input fields in the middle of typing login information
I guess i'm in the minority these days but I like to keep strong passwords in my head.
This usually happens due to some side effect of the login page being absolutely fucking massive and not fully loading or executing before I start to fill in the form, then one of three things usually happens in order of frequency:
The last one is the most annoying because in the worst case i type my password in visible text.Only login I regularly use that does not suffer from this problem (or any others!), is HN:
https://news.ycombinator.com/login is 1.07KB
Causes only one secondary HTTP request to favicon at 7.66KB which doesn't interfere with the page in any way.