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Django doesn't occupy the same space as flask; not in the same way React and Vue seem to. Web2py is nonexistent. Numpy is a basic linear algebra library and Pandas is a high-level tabular data analysis library.

None of these things compete with each other in any meaningful way.

> Django doesn't occupy the same space as flask;

This is just wrong. Django absolutely occupies the space as Flask, this is pretty obvious, but you're splitting hairs to defend your argument - the bottom line is that a Python developer building a web application has to decide if Django or Flask is a better choice for their engineering needs, you wouldn't use both (though you could, same as you could use react and vue together).

> Web2py is nonexistent

This is totally wrong. You can selectively discard every example that doesn't meet your arbitrary standard of popularity, but I could just as easily discard a criticism of Vite which is far more "non-existent" relative to webpack than web2py is to Django

> Numpy is a basic linear algebra library and Pandas is a high-level tabular data analysis library.

Once again you're splitting hairs. Yes, Pandas and Numpy have different specialties, but there is clear overlap between them and a developer who is unfamiliar with the ecosystem wouldn't necessarily understand why e.g. they might choose pandas dataframes vs numpy arrays, and this dynamic is also true in the JS world where different packages have overlap but particular specialties that make one more attractive than the other depending on the needs.

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