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I used to not get Ember but of all the frameworks its users love it the most. I remember when Ember was the "cool" framework almost ten years ago. The community has evolved it and kept it relevant which is truly impressive. Ember entered the world at a time Backbone.js was cutting edge. Ember is still relevant and has adopted modern best practices, moved to TypeScript, and most importantly provided an easy upgrade path.

Most companies burn money on a total re-write when old tech gets too hard to support. Ember has never accepted this. I love that!

> Ember has never accepted this. I love that!

Totally! It's really impressive how they've adapted, evolved, and kept the framework going, so much that one of the most popular websites on the net has trusted it for their core site (linkedin).

I kind of fell into working w/ember because a startup I was at happened to be using it, and then it just became so familiar that I stuck with it. Really happy to see stuff like mho coming out & pushing the framework forward.

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