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Well, how many awesome things do you typically do? Awesome things don't necessarily have to involve large amounts of money. Ever stopped on the side of the rode to help somebody? Given somebody a ride across town when they were lost?

If you want to see more wealthy people do more awesome things, lead by example. Tomorrow go find somebody that needs help, and help them.

While I probably directly run the risk of sounding like a mega-douche, I truly believe that my startup buzzdata.com is going to make life better for millions of people.

Is that allowed to count?

Did you start it with the intention of profiting? I think the OP is specifically looking for unprofitable-but-awesome ventures. For example, curing AIDS because you want people to not have AIDS is awesome, but curing AIDS because you want to sell AIDS medicine is not awesome.

Dude. If you cure AIDS, I DO NOT CARE why you did it.

God may care, you may care, and that's all very important. Seriously.

But me, I DO NOT CARE.

This. Intentions for good deeds should not count - those are private and for your own use only. What should matter is things that you say or do, not think.

Make no mistake, you are only judged by your true intentions. People,and life, is imperfect and endlessly flawed, what was intended is really all you have in the end, all that really matters to the truth. Yes, results change circumstances and end pain, but the true measure of a man remains his thoughts. Not his wallet, or his treasures or his effect on his environment. What he is inside is what he would be with the power to do as he intended, because the truth wants only to know what he is with great power, because it is the wielding of power that determines the good, and usefulness of a man, to both individual people and to the whole truth of societies singularity.

Judged by whom? If you're talking about self-judgement, and judgement by G-d, then I fully agree. But as far as people judging other people - I think only actions and to a lesser degree words should count, because we never truly know other people's intentions.

Judged by reality, by what really is, the truth. It's been called lots of things and names but it is just what is. People can't judge intentions accuratly, thus the incredible confusion over whether it matters. It's a matter of faith I suppose.

You will if they cure AIDS in order to charge you a fortune for the cure.

I am fairly sure that that's not a cure for AIDS.

AIDS being a contagious disease, if you don't wipe it out, you haven't cured it, it isn't a disability in one person, but a plague on the population.

I am the OP, and I'm not rich.

BuzzData is designed to be useful and profitable in equal quantities. It must succeed at making money in order to continue being useful to people.

If we work hard and stay focused on making something that people would be upset to lose, then I will become wealthy as a side-effect.

I plan to use my wealth to become an angel investor, which is something I can't do unless I change my current fiscal status.

"I plan to use my wealth to become an angel investor..." There's an old saying about counting your chickens before they're hatched.

I certainly don't plan to fail, if that's what you mean. :)

>but curing AIDS because you want to sell AIDS medicine is not awesome.

you've obviously never watched "First contact" :)

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